12 February 2023 (Sunday) - Lazy Day

By the time I’d got out late from work, taken an age driving home and one thing and another it was after midnight before I got to bed last night. I was pleased for a bit of a lie-in this morning. I eventually woke just before nine o’clock to find a bed full of dogs. As they and “er indoors TMsnored I put a load of washing  on, made brekkie and had a look-see at the Internet.
I had another two friend requests on Facebook from rather dodgy looking individuals. The first claimed to be called “Noah” and hailed from Los Angeles where she “works at Mistress”, and judging by some of the photos on her Facebook page would be far better employed working at more hygienic activities.
The second one (Alexandra) comes from Fresno and claimed to be “domina, sadistic, classy” (is that good or bad?). She lists “dogs” as one of her interests so I suppose we might have that in common, but judging by her Facebook profile she would seem to be far more interested in running round in the nip with a very saucy expression whilst odd looking people in even odder bondage costumes look on.
So far not a single one of these “ladies” (if that is the right term) have offered me any cake… If they did I might be a bit more interested.
I sent out a birthday wish to a young lady who once did offer me cake, and got dressed. Call me old fashioned if you will, but even with absolutely nothing on the agenda, jim-jams is for the evening, not the morning.
I set the washing machine loose on a job lot of my undercrackers and went up to the attic where I carried on with my Lego pirate ship. On 8 November last year a colleague gave me a little pressie. Her mother had acquired a Lego pirate ship set for her children, but on finding some bits were missing they weren’t able to complete it.
Did I want it?
Yes please !!!
It has been a rather fun project - it has taken me three months, and I’ve had to make serious use of my spare bits. I had to send to BrickLink (it’s a Lego thing) in Germany and America for an anchor, masts, plastic rigging and steering wheels, and to Hobbycraft for the black yarn rigging.
Now it is built I need to find some space to display it… I have a vague idea of building a Lego harbour round it…
With it finished “er indoors TM (and the dogs) came to have a look. “er indoors TM then misplaced something or other, and announced that the attic might be haunted as things keep going missing from there.
And then the missing thing turned up. Where it had been left.
I then slobbed on the sofa with the dogs for a bit then, seeing the earlier drizzle has eased up, we took the dogs for a little walk round the roads. As we walked I carried on the dogs’ walk training. Treacle always sits when we come to cross a road. Morgan is learning to do so. And Bailey shows no interest in doing so and flatly refuses to do so.
We came home, and I made myself comfortable in front of the telly wand watched a load of episodes of “Four In A Bed” in which again the people running the worst bed & breakfasts were by far the most critical of everyone else. One of the places being visited today came in for a lot of criticism from everyone; every breakfast they served was absolutely smothered in pepper. The woman brandishing the pepper pot claimed that if anyone doesn’t like pepper then they should say so *before* she empties half a pound of the stuff on their plate. What is that all about?
As I watched telly there was a minor hiatus as the power suddenly went off. We had a five-minute power cut. Apparently a mile or so away “My Boy TM” had a power cut which lasted for an hour.
With power restored and telly watched I spent some time fetching and carrying whilst “er indoors TM” dusted dragon ornaments. They needed some dusting, and we only did about thirty of so of her six hundred dragons.
With one set of shelves dusted we set about a very good dinner whilst watching today’s episode of “Lego Masters”. In this one the teams made dragons which then flew (attached to drones) round a slalom course. Three crashed catastrophically.
Having just worked six days on the trot, I quite enjoyed having a lazy day… even if there was so much more we might have done.

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