1 November 2022 (Tuesday) - A Bottle Of Plonk

Perhaps not getting home till late last night was the issue, but I didn’t really sleep at all well last night. It was one of those nights when I woke feeling full of energy and raring to go after an hour’s sleep, and then just dozed fitfully for the rest of the night.
I was up far earlier than I really needed to be. After yesterday’s little contretemps (!) Morgan was as good as gold doing that which was expected outside (and not in the bathroom), and both got their reward of an hour or so on the big bed.
As they all slept I watched some of the new season of “Big Mouth”. Now it is into its sixth season it seems to have rather lost its direction… like most TV shows do.
As I watched it I sorted my socks (be still my beating heart!), emptied the clan (it’s a Munzee thing) and then had a look at Facebook to see what I’d missed overnight. Apart from (quite possibly) the worst cover version of a Sparks song that I have ever seen, I hadn’t missed much. Three Facebook friends were having a birthday today; I sent birthday wishes to the two who have contacted me in the last few years, then got ready for work.
Having parked quite close to home last night I didn't have my seemingly usual morning ritual of wandering the streets trying to find where I'd left the car.
I set off through the rain to Pembury, doing my best to avoid the other cars; the drivers of many of which seemed hell-bent to run everyone else off the road. If not driving (quite literally) up the centre of the road, many were spontaneously slamming on the brakes and doing U-turns for no discernible reason.
As I drove, the pundits on the radio were talking about the fuel crisis facing the country this winter. It is hoped there will be no power cuts or blackouts, but no one seemed able to give any firm assurances. Consternation was being expressed that there are no reserves of gas being built up. I can't help but wonder just who would be building up these reserves, bearing in mind the country's power generation has been farmed out to private companies. Any spare money these companies might have had to spend on building up a sensible gas reserve is under threat of being stolen by the government as a windfall tax. You can't blame them for not taking any chances, can you?
There was also a lot of talk about the abysmal conditions in the refugee camp at Manston airport. No one seemed to address the obvious cause of the crisis though... Six years ago the United Kingdom was part of an international bloc dealing with the issue. Now that international bloc has solved the refugee crisis by letting through as many as want to come to the UK where they become somebody else's problem.
I stopped off at Tesco to get a couple of bottles of plonk. The customers in Tesco were pretty much as bad as the drivers on the road this morning; not one was looking where they were going. I also bought some Kenco coffee three-in-one sachets. They were far better than the Nescafe ones... and far more expensive too.
I got to work; today was exciting… “Exciting” in a blood bank isn’t really a good thing. I was glad when home time came, and doubly glad I’d swapped out of the late shift.
I came home through torrential rain to an empty house. “er indoors TM had taken the dogs out and got caught in a downpour. The poor pups looked more like seals than dogs. Once they’d dried  “er indoors TM boiled up a very good bit of dinner which we scoffed whilst watching the quarter-final of “Bake Off” and washed down with one of the bottles of plonk I’d bought earlier…
That was nine quid down the toilet.

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