7 November 2022 (Monday) - This n That

It was still pouring hard when I chivvied the puppies out this morning. Constant heatwave and drought a couple of months ago; constant hossing down now. It’s a shame the weather can’t be somehow evened out, isn’t it?
I dumped two soaking wet puppies onto a sleeping “er indoors TM”, made toast, and once I’d watched an episode of “Big Mouth” I had a look at the Internet to see what I’d missed overnight. Not much really. I read the same instalment of the latest developments in the life of some German woman half a dozen times; I know I tell the world about my life every day but I do it here on my own blog. This German woman blogs daily too… but posts the same update on all of the Sparks-related Facebook pages. And now some American woman is posting her weight loss journey to the Facebook Bill & Ted group.
Being a nosey person I quite like seeing what they are up to, but some people really don’t understand how social media works.
With nothing else happening on the Internet I got ready for work. Not that I would dream of complaining, but the drive to Maidstone this morning was far easier than the cross-country drive to Pembury had been for the last two weeks. As I drove, the pundits on the radio were interviewing the leader of the Dribbling Democraps about the state of the country's finances. Sir Whatever-his-name-is missed no opportunity to tell the world how crap the Conservative party is but had precious few practical propositions of his own. The Labour party are much the same at the moment as well.  And isn't this why the country is in such a state?
On the one hand British politics has the Conservative party having a go at running the show (albeit not that well), and on the other hand are all of the opposition parties saying how crap the Conservatives are. And the electorate has to choose between one lot with policies that no one really likes very much (and *are* crap), and two other lots with no policies other than finding fault with everyone else.
Interestingly there was also some interviews with American politicians and voters this morning (in the run-up to their elections) in which it seemed that American voting was akin to cheering on your favourite football team. No one was voting for any policies; they were all voting the way they did because they always have... and also wondering why they got idiots like Donald Trump in charge in the past and are looking set to get him again.
Democracy, eh?
There was also talk about the Prime Minister going off to the  COP 27 climate talks for the simple reason that Boris Johnson is going (not that anyone seems to know why)
I got to work and deployed a Tree House. That should do some good for the Munzee-ing. And at tea break I got a message  that our clan had reached Level One in the Clan War even though we'd only been at it since last Thursday. Result!
My phone also told me that I'd been using it (on average) for one minute a day whilst driving this last week... ! What was that all about. Admittedly I did have a little Munzee mission on the way to work, but I make a point of leaving the phone in my pocket until the car is stopped, out of gear, handbrake on and engine stopped (even though I'm the only one in the car!) as per the government's instructions.
Why did the phone think I'd been using it whilst driving? Did it spring into life whilst in my pocket? I used it quite a bit yesterday when “er indoors TM was driving and it didn't have any grumbles?
Work was actually rather busy; today's theme was "iron deficient". As I looked at the hypochromia and microcytosis I found myself thinking about days gone by. Years ago there was a chap who used to appear all over the medical-related parts of the internet about his theory that God made all the elements except iron. Iron had been made by Satan, and there was no such thing as iron deficient anaemia. He would plague all of the biomedical websites only too willing to show off his misunderstandings and getting extremely aggressive with anyone who dared to disagree with him.
I wonder whatever happened to him?
I came home and after a quick bit of dinner “er indoors TM went bowling. The dogs are showing no sign of settling; not having had four miles round the woods they will be hyperactive until she comes home…


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