5 November 2022 (Saturday) - It Rained... A Lot

I woke feeling particularly grim this morning. What was that all about? I’m blaming “Darcie Waa Waa TM. But (as always) I could either sulk, or I could get on with life. So I made toast and got on with it.
My laptop invited me to find out what my McAfee Protection Score was as I booted it up this morning. I clicked the button and (for once) the Firefox browser leapt into action (funny, that!). It told me my protection score was 794/1000 which was “very good”, and suggested I clicked on a link to find out three ways to improve the score. I clicked, and immediately my score dropped by a hundred. The three things it recommended were:
To install their app on my mobile (which I did when I got the thing two years ago!).
To install inti-virus software (which comes with their package and was installed years ago!)
To review a data breach when my password to MyFitnessPal was breached four years ago.
I saw there was a geo-meet scheduled for today. In the rain. I wasn’t keen.
I also saw I’d been accepted into the “Ashford Dog Socialising Group” on Facebook. This bunch offer meet-ups for dogs every Saturday at Repton Community Centre. It turns out that there are three meetings; the first one is for puppies and the smaller and more timid dogs. After that is a meeting for medium sized dogs, and then one for larger ones.
Usually when at a loose end on a Saturday I take the  puppies to Dachshund club, but that is a round trip of fifty miles. Repton Community Centre is walking distance (not that we walked!)
So with “er indoors TM and Treacle off on an errand for “Daddy’s Little Angel TM” I took the puppies over to Repton Community Centre where we found a few other people all asking each other if this was the right place. Like me, a lot of people had only discovered “Ashford Dog Socialising Group” recently (I found it at eleven o’clock last night!), thought it sounded like a good idea, but weren’t sure what to expect. I must admit that (as I do in life) I went along hoping for the best but expecting the worst, but I was pleasantly surprised. I expect that a lot of my loyal readers wouldn’t appreciate standing in a wet woodland in the rain making polite conversation with a bunch of total strangers, but I had a great time. And so did the dogs.
We were at the meet for smaller dogs; Bailey was the smallest dog there (but not by much) and she and Morgan charged round like things possessed with their new friends. There were a few “episodes” but everyone there seemed to understand what dogs are like and no one took offence or got humpy. For once not one of the “episodes” involved my two; there is something strangely satisfying when other people’s dogs are kicking off and yours ignore it with regal condescension.
The only drawback was that it was very wet and a tad cold. Bailey was shivering at the end, but we were back home and had had a warm bath before ten o’clock. I wouldn’t say that I’m now finished with the Dachshund club, but a round trip to them is over sixty miles and takes half the day.
With puppies bathed they were soon both snoring. I put some shirts and trousers in to wash, and ironed them as I watched episodes of “Four in a Bed” in which (as always) the most opinionated and picky contestant was the proprietor of (by far) the poorest guest house in the competition.
“er indoors TM and Treacle came home. I think “er indoors TM must have whatever bug I’ve got (only a lot worse) as she took herself of to bed for the afternoon, and all the dogs went with her. The drizzle of the morning had become full-on heavy rain, so with nothing else to do I started working on my eulogy.
I rather upset “My Boy TM” a few weeks ago when I gave him written instructions for winding up my affairs if and when I croak. My Dad had done just that for me and my brother, and it was such a sensible idea. However the first fruit of my loin thought that I was intending to peg it fairly soon.  I’m not, but I won’t tell him about the eulogy just yet. It’s just that when my father-in-law and my brother-in-law died, it was quite plain that the priest giving the eulogy had no idea who they were talking about. If someone is going to stand up and go blah, blah, blah about me I want it to be factually correct. So, as My Boy TMonce got told off (by a primary school teacher) for saying, “if you want a job done, do it yourself!
The first draft runs to three sides of A4. I expect (hope) to revise it a few times before it gets used.
“er indoors TM suggested we might have kebab for dinner. I was up for that. We scoffed it whilst watching “Lego Masters: Australia”. I do like that show.
I woke feeling grim… I’ve had a headache all day. I hope I feel better tomorrow.

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