I had a go on the scales this morning. My weight is
under sixteen stone for the first time in (probably) ten years. Do I
feel any healthier? Probably not. Sadly my blood pressure isn’t coming down.
I made toast and had a look at the Internet.
Local Facebook pages are entertaining. The Ashford one
this morning featured quite a lot of ranting about plans to demolish a local
shopping precinct and replace it with a car park. Sadly for all that everyone
was saying what they should do with the location, pretty much no one seemed to
know exactly who the mysterious “they” were.
And on that same page a young lad was touting for
trade for his newly-started gardening business claiming he had lots of
gardening experience from sorting his grandmother’s back yard.
These people vote, you know
I took the dogs out. As we drove to the woods the
pundits on the radio were interviewing the Minister for Transport about the
debacle at Heathrow Airport last week when the place closed for a day after a
fire closed an electrical sub-station. It is now being claimed that the place
had enough power from other sources. Personally I
can’t see what anyone expects from the Minister for Transport. Heathrow Airport
isn’t under government control; it is run by a private company like pretty much
all of the country’s infrastructure.
We got to the woods and had a good walk. Last week the
place had pretty much dried out, but some light rain over the weekend had
turned the place into a quagmire. The dogs got filthy… and all found fox poo
We came home for baths, and once they were bathed I
cracked on in the garden. I wanted to plant the last of the viola and the
alpines I’d bought last week, and have a little tidy-up. I didn’t think it
would take more than an hour or so; it took two. My back was rather tender at
the end of it.
Rather than cracking on with more garden stuff I
decided to take it easy for the rest of the day…
I got a spicy chicken Polish pot noodle for lunch from
the shop over the road, and scoffed it whilst watching the last episode of the
current season of “Squid Game”, then had a little look at the monthly
accounts. They aren’t bad really… but it has to be said that the two hundred
and fifty quid I blew on the garden last week has made a dent. But finding
myself far more flush than I was a few short years ago I decided to do some
good. I signed up with “Lend With Care”
– it’s a way to help people across the world. I invested the amount of money I
might spend on a round in the pub in a Philippine pig farm run by a chap called
Edgar. It might help him; it might not. Time will tell.
I then started watching “Beef”
on Netflix as the washing machine had a go at the undercrackers. It was
entertaining enough – “Beef”; not washing the undercrackers.
“er indoors TM” went bowling. I stayed
sitting in front of the telly and watched a film on Netflix. “The Electric State”
was a rather good film. Starring her from “Stranger Things” it was a sort
of a cross between “Mad Max” and “Toy Story”.
My back is better than it was… but it is still giving
me twinges.