
25 December 2024 (Christmas Day) - Weetabix

Just after I eventually nodded off last night I was woken by the sound of Darcie WaaWaa TM crashing up the stairs loudly telling the world to be quiet as Granddad was asleep. I lay awake for an hour after which my phone loudly announced I had a message even though all its connections to the internet were switched off.  And when I eventually dozed off again so “er indoors TM and the dogs quietly came to bed.
I lay awake for another hour or so then gave up and watched an episode of “Victoria” before having my usual rummage on-line. Not much was going on, so I had a quick munz, then had a go at Wordle. Having got four letters spot-on on my second attempt I then made four more wrong guesses and didn’t get it at all. SHA-E has got quite a few possibilities.
The roads were rather busier than I thought they might be as I drove to work this morning. Whenever I drive on a Christmas morning I remember driving to my Mum's house on a Christmas morning after a Christmas Eve night shift in the late 1980s. On that morning on the thirty-mile journey from Ashford to Hastings I saw a total of six other cars driving about. I'd seen more than that before I'd covered half a mile this morning.
As I drove I thought I might listen to the carol service on the radio as it might be nice and Christmassy.
It wasn't.
Rather than traditional Christmas carols and readings there were happy-clappy modern songs and operatic howling dirges interspersed by sad tales of woe. I turned the radio off and sung along to what was on my MP3 stick instead.
Work was rather busy bearing in mind it was Christmas Day.  Back in the day hospitals used to empty out all but the most dire cases for Christmas... seemingly not any more.
I had a look back through my diaries and saw that today was the seventh Christmas Day that I was working out of the last ten. On one of the others (2018) I had a full-on-till 9pm Christmas Eve session, and on another (2019) I had Boxing Day. But I did have all of Christmas off in 2016.
I’m not complaining; working at Christmas goes with working in a hospital. 
But home time soon came. The roads home were far busier than Christmas Day had any right to be. I got home and had a rather good day. Games, pressies, sweeties, beer, wine, firty year old Martini and another bottle of Advocaat… littlun demanding Weetabix rather than Christmas dinner. We watched The Grinch and Muana…
We went to bed (worn out) shortly after midnight. A rather good Christmas really…

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