
26 December 2024 (Boxing Day) - Rather Good

I slept rather well last night, and slept for over six hours. Not too shabby really. Over toast I wrote yesterday’s diary. What with all the excitement I didn’t get chance yesterday. And I made the most of sitting on the sofa. My usual spot had been commandeered by Darcie who formally ordered me off the sofa yesterday, sat there herself and glared at me.
As I sat on the sofa I peered into the Internet. Like quite a few people I got Lego for Christmas. There were so many people this morning advocating leaving the Lego in the unopened box and selling it later for a great profit; all wishing they’d done that with their Lego. I must admit much as I don’t like the idea of doing that, the gingerbread house set that I could have bought new for about a hundred quid a few years ago is now selling for between three and four hundred pounds on eBay.
The dogs came down and I chivvied them outside. Then everyone else came down, and we had a rather good morning. Darcie WaaWaa TM opened more presents amongst which were some little animal toys which me and her played with for quite some time. I would lay on the kitchen floor playing kiss chase with the lizard and the tiger, and she would announce “sharing is caring” and take them away from me.
It wasn’t long before “My Boy TM and ”Auntie Chel TM arrived. We did more Christmas pressies; I got a rather good garden clock. Despite all still being stuffed from yesterday we had a rather good dinner of cold meats and pickles. “Daddies’ Little Angel TM boiled up a huge plate of cauliflower cheese and we again scoffed ourselves silly and then had an afternoon of games. As you do on Boxing Day.
All too soon it was time for everyone to go home. “er indoors TM drove the Folkestonians home and I had a little tidy-up.
Once she returned we sparked up the telly and watched the latest Wallace and Gromit” film. It was rather good. I can remember seeing the very first one at a friend’s house one Christmas Eve… thirty-four years ago.
We’ve found the magnetic pieces of the magnet game, but the banana from the kiss chase game and one of the Lego flowers are still missing.
This has been a rather good Christmas…

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