
24 December 2024 (Tuesday) - All A Bit Vague

The plan for this morning was to nip over to Asda to get gateau. But I went late last night instead and slept right through until “er indoors TM alarm went off.
I get up, made toast and saw a new geocache had gone live at the Maidstone services. Had I been going to work today I might have had a First to Find. But I wasn’t. So I didn’t. There wasn’t much happening on-line so I took the dogs out as I do.
As we drove up (literally up – it is high there) Kings Wood we drove into the mist. Seeing the mist I had nigh hopes of seeing deer. Sadly I was disappointed; the woods were quite busy. We met all sorts of normal people including one bunch of thirty to forty mothers and toddlers who told me that going to the woods mob-handed was something of a tradition. Apparently I was unusual in saying that it looked like they were having fun; they told me that most people just glared at them.
We came home for a bath; all three had rolled in that which they shouldn’t have. And with “er indoors TM off for the afternoon to see “Daddies’ Little Angel TM and Darcie WaaWaa TM I set about the monthly accounts. They aren’t bad at all. It would be nice to have far more money in there, but they have been a whole lot worse. I watched an episode of “Victoria”, then had a little sleep.
All the girls returned, and “er indoors TM set off to see her sister. “Daddies’ Little Angel TM and I opened the Advocaat whilst Darcie WaaWaa TM slept.
That Advocaat was supposed to last till Boxing Day…

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