3 May 2024 (Friday) - Lazy Day

I spent much of yesterday evening thinking about pets. We take on these animals and worry so much about them. “Daddy’s Little Angel TM”’s cat once went walkabout overnight; not returning until dawn. Dog walkers in Kings Wood have told me of their dogs heading off in hot pursuit of deer and not being seen for days.
Steve and Sarah’s puss wouldn’t come in when called last night. He turned up at half past three this morning.
I get twitchy when the dogs disappear in the woods; they are rarely gone for more than thirty seconds at a time.
I put more washing in to scrub, made toast and had a look at the Internet. It was much the same as ever. I did snigger at one of the Facebook groups I follow in which people were quite clear that it is perfectly acceptable to laugh at others for their religious beliefs, but we should all be accepting if someone identifies as some made-up gender.
And it was all kicking off on a pond related group. Someone’s pond had suffered from a heron taking fish. This someone got a plastic heron and the real heron stopped taking fish. Some people said they’d had the same experience; others claimed they were lying.
Ideally I would have taken the dogs up to the woods after brekkie, but the rain was quite heavy this morning, so what with today being the start of the Munzee Clan War I sat on the sofa and deployed all sorts of Munzee things. Hopefully that should chivvy our clan along a bit.
And then it was time to go to the vet to get the tick collars I’d ordered yesterday. I went via a couple of QrewZees (it’s another Munzee thing), and got to the vet to find the collars weren’t ready. I was told that I should have phoned in advance to order them. I told them that I had… It didn’t take then *that* long to sort them out.
Seeing the rain had eased off I came home, leaded up the dogs and took them to the woods for a late walk. We went for four miles and had a good, if muddy, walk. As we walked I replaced one broken geocache and added more log paper to two more. Geo-maintenance is much easier for me these days now that most of the caches I’ve hidden are in Kings Wood, but it still boils my piss that people who’ve found tens of thousands of the things and hidden hardly any (if any) will post logs saying that pots are broken or paper needs replacing. After all, Boots gives film pots for free, you can print your own paper log sheets, and do the required maintenance quicker than you can actually write a “Needs Maintenance” log.
I wrote up some CPD, then made a cuppa and sat by the pond reading a book for a bit.
“er indoors TM boiled up a very good bit of dinner which we scoffed whilst watching episodes of “Race Across the World”. I quite liked the look of Samarkand… Maybe a holiday at some point?

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