28 May 2024 (Tuesday) - Lazy Day

“er indoors TM had taken great care to turn off all her alarms; it was a shame that they woke me this morning, but there is it. I nodded off again, and eventually we all got up rather later than we might have done.
With rain forecast we went for a little walk up to the village and back hoping to miss the rain, but sadly we didn’t. Had we been out two minutes earlier we would have remained dry.
The plan had been a quick walk and then a full English brekkie. We had the quick walk, and as others fought with the hob and the oven I sat with the dogs to settle them; they were rather fractious this morning. Sadly they settled me, and I was soon fast asleep.
I woke to find brekkie ready, and a good brekkie it was. Sadly the rain was still hossing down, so we got out the Infinity Table and played games. Ticket to Ride, Battleships, Wheel of Fortune, Hungry Hippos, Chicken Wrangler and Trivial Pursuit (both traditional \and Harry Potter).
Eventually the rain stopped and we took the dogs for another short walk, then “er indoors TM was on cookhouse duty. She boiled up a rather good dinner, and with that scoffed we sat about listening to Alexa playing music.
We’ve not done much today; a very lazy day really. There’s photographic evidence here. So why do I feel so tired?

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