22 March 2023 (Wednesday) - Bit Tired

Being on the night shift last night I missed Lego club. I suspect I didn’t miss much. By trying to be all things to all people the club is sadly not working. Now that those who see it as somewhere for hyperactive children to run wild have been banned, there’s only me and Jose and a couple of young mothers with their kids… and that’s it. I’ve spoken with several people who have said that had it been set up as an AFOL group (Adult Fans of Lego) then they would have been up for it, but the children aspect put them off.
Is it too late to set up an AFOL group?
The night shift last night was hard work. Back in the day, the night work was overtime. We would come in when specifically called for a named patient. It would be rare to have work from more than ten patients all night long. We would go to bed and be called from bed if and when needed, and being called from bed more than twice was unusual. Last night I was working pretty much constantly all night long.
I was rather pleased to see the early shift arrive. I drove home listening to the radio. That idiot Boris Johnson is up before the tribunal today over his breaches of lockdown regulations. He’s apparently admitted to having broken the rules, but claims he didn’t do it intentionally. It seems the tribunal has to decide whether he is incompetent, or a liar. Or both.
I got home and went to bed. Just as I was nodding off all three dogs came up and staged a fight on top of me. They eventually settled and I got two hours sleep until Bailey started crying that she wanted to get off of the bed. Suspecting a potential “potty emergency” I took her downstairs only to find she wanted to stand in the kitchen and scrounge for food.
“er indoors TM set off to Canterbury to collect her new car; I walked the dogs round the block in a break in the rain. And with walk walked I did the ironing whilst watching episodes of “Four in a Bed” in which (as usual) the most vocally critical were the ones with the most of which to be ashamed.
I ironed for five episodes of the show, then fed the dogs. And fed myself toast. “er indoors TM had left me “home alone” this evening. Darren Hayes was playing in Brighton this evening so “er indoors TM and a work pal had gone to see him. I stayed home dog-sitting and watching episodes of “Downton Abbey”.
There was so much I could have done with today. But a combination of rain and being worn out from the night shift meant I did very little other than ironing and watching telly. I tried working on my Wherigo project, sadly my brain wasn’t up to it. But watching telly from underneath dogs is never a bad thing.
Oh – and my Dad’s old house is up for sale. Please feel free to buy it.

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