15 March 2023 (Wednesday) - Busy, Busy


 I didn’t really have a good night. On “er indoors TM’s side of the bed the duvet was touching the floor. On my side it wasn’t even covering me. Every time I heaved on it so the dogs would wake and start stomping all about, and “er indoors TM was snoring as though practicing for the world championship snoring contest.

I made toast; as I scoffed I saw I had a e-message from the chap who’d been out and found all the geocaches we’d hidden on Monday. He’d sent a very polite thank you for setting up the cache walk and said he’d enjoyed it. I was pleased about that; Kings Wood is a lovely place; Hopefully what I’ve done will help other people to find bits of the wood they otherwise wouldn’t.
Seeing a half-way decent morning outside I hoofed the dogs out of bed and took them out.
Pausing only briefly to scrape ice from the car’s windscreen we were soon on our way. As I drove the pundits on the radio were dribbling on about the ongoing leadership contest of the Scottish Nationalist Party. The SNP amaze me; they lost the independence referendum, a consistent majority of Scots don’t want independence, and still they remain the most popular political party in Scotland.
We got to Kings Wood and went for a little stroll. What a difference a day makes. Yesterday we had torrential rain, howling gales and even heavy snow showers at times. Today it was beautiful; I took a few photos as it was so pretty. It was a shame that Morgan got duffed up… I say “it was a shame”; I was rather pleased. He was playing too rough with other dogs (as he so often does) and one of the other dogs clearly felt he was being too forceful, and firmly pinned him down. the woman with the dog was distraught, but I wasn’t. Morgan had overstepped the line and was firmly being told off. Hopefully he will learn from that.
As we walked so my phone pinged (I was amazed I had any Internet signal to ping to be honest). The eighteen Wherigo geocaches I hid yesterday had gone live. Flushed with enthusiasm I hid eight more, and found potential locations for another five.
We came home; the dogs needed a little shower to sort out muddy paws and tummies. They yummed up their brekkie and then snored as I did the geo-admin for the caches I’d just hidden.
Leaving them sleeping I headed off to Hastings. Together with my brother we bagged up more rubbish. As we worked an old friend visited to look at making off with the freezer. We were both kids together over fifty years ago; it was good to catch up. And my cousin popped over to say hello as well.
The plan had been to take bags of rubbish to Hastings tip, but having been told that Hastings was gridlocked we headed in the direction of Battle’s tip; stopping for McDinner on the way.
Battle’s tip was interesting. As well as all the usual bins for the various flavours of rubbish they had a little shop where they were selling the more choice bits of that which they had salvaged from the skips. There was a little unicorn hobby-horse. It was clean and looked decent. I thought about getting it for “Darcie Waa Waa TM. I would have offered fifty pence for it; they wanted twenty quid.
I came home what seemed to be a rather circuitous way via Hawkhurst but looking at Google Maps I don’t think there was a better way.
I came home and spent the afternoon on the sofa (with the dogs) watching more “Downton Abbey”. James the footman got the heave-ho for having porked Lady Anstruther (the beast).  
“er indoors TM boiled up a rather good dinner which we devoured whilst watching a couple of episodes of “Ghosts”. We had a bottle of plonk too…

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