8 October 2022 (Saturday) - Dog Club, Stuff

I woke at half past seven in a cold sweat after a nightmare in which I was in no end of legal trouble after “My Boy TM” had sold my services as a hair donor (!) and needless to say all his clients felt they’d been short-changed.
I made toast and had a look at the Internet. I had a friend request on Facebook from “Godness Nita” who is apparently “looking for a good, honest, truthful, obedient and understanding slave”. I told the world about this (here and on my Facebook feed) in the full knowledge that in the past it has been quite acceptable for the likes of Godness Nita to peddle filth, but my pointing out that they are doing so breaches Facebook’s Community Standards.
Something else which really should breach Facebook’s Community Standards is the amount of religious crackpotism I find on my feed. A month or so ago I made the mistake of pointing out that the concept of God as portrayed by the Christian church needs an awful lot of excuses. This morning some American Baptist nutcase was telling me that his god is nowhere near as loving as it is vengeful, and I should be scared. I asked if it was going to get its mates the Easter Bunny, Father Christmas and the Tooth Fairy to all gang up on me. So far I’ve had no reply.
“er indoors TM was off to craft club today, so I left Treacle with her and took the puppies to Dachshund Club (Treacle doesn’t like Dachshund Club). As I drove I listened to Steve on the radio until the signal gave out. I heard far less of the show this week that I did last week as the traffic was moving this morning.
Dachshund Club was rather good. It was a shame that Bailey had to roll in something disgusting, but she wasn’t the only one. The dogs all enjoyed themselves… mostly. There were a couple of times when one chap broke up whatever game the dogs were playing to drag his dog away. Admittedly some of the games were a bit rough-and-tumble, but if any dog doesn’t like it they are free to join in another game elsewhere in the field.
Eventually this chap put his dog on a lead and the poor thing watched all the other dogs playing (with a rather sad expression). Why bring a dog to a play-day and not let them play? Mind you this was the same chap who a few weeks ago had whinged on-line about how horrible Treacle had been, when all she’d done was tell another dog not to get in her face.
We came home where Treacle gloated whilst the puppies had a bath, and once clean we went into the garden for a bit. I mowed the lawn, and then fiddled with the pond. It had lost quite a bit of water over the last week. I think (hope) it might have been to do with the spray-head-fountain attachment on the fountain pump, so I replaced that with a bell fountain. Hopefully that will do the trick.
Whilst I pootled in the garden so the puppies dug in the newly-mown lawn. I wish they wouldn’t do that.
With a little time on my hands I wrote instructions for “er indoors TM and “My Boy TM”. Bearing in mind the “fun” I’ve had sorting Dad’s estate I thought I might make things easy for them by detailing how the household accounts work just in case I should croak. After all, I’m going to eventually.
“er indoors TM saw this for the sensible move that it is, but the first fruit of my loin has taken it somewhat to heart and is convinced I’m on deaths’ door. I tried to make light of it by saying that I’ve already bought a Lego Advent Calendar so I’m expecting to have at least three months, but I don’t think that helped very much. “er indoors TM says I’m not to wind him up and con him into getting me that rather (very) expensive Lego roller-coaster for what I might persuade him could be my last Christmas.
And then I sparked up my brain to solve a geo-puzzle that had gone live this morning. It didn’t take *that* long to get an answer, so I loaded the dogs into the boot of the car and we drove down to the marsh.
Had I sparked up my brain before writing instructions I might have got a First to Find…
I feel really grim now… I wonder what that’s all about?

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