26 October 2022 (Wednesday) - Some Sulking, Some Coffee

About twenty years ago I appointed a trainee blood tester. A lovely little girl; keen and eager to please. This morning I saw photos of her new house. She’s moved into an epic mansion which (quite frankly) would put Downton Abbey to shame. In the last twenty years her boyfriends (now husband) built up a rather successful plumbing business.
I could have done the same… but I didn’t. I worked every hour of the clock, nights and weekends and bank holidays and Christmases, missing children’s birthday parties… and now work for an organisation which is actively recruiting from overseas as British workers won’t work for it, and regularly tells the staff where the local food banks are.
Consequently I was in something of a jealous sulk for much of the day.
My piss boiled even more (if that was possible!) as I drove the dogs to Kings Wood. In less than a day our new Prime Minister has already embroiled himself in scandal, having appointed Suella Braverman as Home Secretary. Did no one tell him that she was sacked from that job a week ago because she was sending confidential government documents to people who had no business with them. The Foreign Secretary was interviewed on the matter this morning and said there was no problem with her appointment to the post as she's apologized for what she's done wrong. And he was serious about it. He said on live radio that you can deliberately and intentionally send confidential government documents to anyone (quite possibly breaching the Official Secrets Act) and it don't matter *IF* you say you are sorry.
If you have a look on-line you'll see that one professional blood tester was struck off (and stayed struck off) for not paying for a car park ticket... I had such high hopes for this new government…
We got to the woods and had a very good walk. The only real "episode" was just after Treacle had done a tiddle. She was a tad vigorous in kicking the leaves over it and buried poor Bailey who had gone for a sniff.
It was a shame I'd left the sat-nav at home; I'd been planning to measure the distance that we cover on what has become our regular route.
Just as we finished our walk and were doing "boot dogs" I smelled something. That familiar whiff of fox poo. Bailey was covered in it. So we came home for a bath which she didn't like.
I then set off to the late shift. I took something of a detour as there was a couple of new geocaches the other side of Tunbridge Wells that had gone live at brekkie time and which hadn't had a First to Find logged when I left home. A cheeky FTF would have been nice... I didn't get one.
I then went to Tesco for this and that. Yesterday I mentioned the demise of the works tea club. Today I discovered that Tesco sell sachets containing coffee, sugar and milk. All three - in the one sachet. Oh brave new world.
Admittedly they are seventeen pence each... but that's far cheaper than the works Costa.It is only a shame that they taste like being seventeen pence's worth. I shall have to try the more expensive Kenco ones…

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