8 July 2024 (Monday) - This n That

I had a terrible night. Treacle spent the whole night smacking her chops and kept me awake the entire time. I gave up trying to sleep, and as I got up so the chops-smacking stopped.
I made toast and glared into the Internet as I scoffed. I had a friend request on Facebook from Carla Kidd who suggested I might like to play with her in her room and had sent a rather dodgy link that the antivirus didn’t like at all. I suppose enough people pay them to make it worth their while.
I sent out a birthday wish, and rolled my eyes at a squabble on the Facebook pond-related pages in which some Australian chap had asked about keeping his pond relatively warm in winter, and then having to explain time and time again that July in Australia *is* winter.
And it would seem that there is quite a growth industry in paying someone else to build your Lego sets for you. Apparently more and more people want the completed Lego set, but not the aggro of building it, and there are those who are happy to do the building… for a price.
I took the dogs up to Kings Wood for a walk. As we walked there was a little drizzle, but we kept going, and had a rather good walk. We met a few other dogs, and once they’d all said hello my lot walked past. They do that when not on leads. When they are on leads it is one big argument. What’s that all about?
We came home, and with it not raining for once I cracked on in the garden. I got the lawn mowed, vacuumed the gravelled areas, and then did something I’ve been meaning to do for ages. I picked all the dead leaves from not-so-nice-next-door’s overgrowth out of the monkey puzzle tree. That took over an hour.
I then ran out the hose and topped up the pond, and after three hours fiddling about in the garden I was worn out and the pond looked just the same as when I’d started.
I made a cuppa and wrote up some CPD.
Before “er indoors TM went off bowling she boiled up bacon and egg bagels. Once she’d gone “Daddy’s Little Angel TM” came home and I pretended I hadn’t been fed, and got another bagel. Very nice.
Word is “er indoors TM has split her bowling shoes. I see that as a result – she can have a new pair as a birthday pressie.
And my face is glowing – I’ve caught the sun.

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