14 July 2024 (Sunday) - Cheeky FTF

Last night I saw that the First to Find was still waiting on that geo-puzzle I solved yesterday, so my plan for the morning was to wake at dawn, nip down to the marsh to find it and be back in bed before anyone realized I’d gone.
However far too much ale and port yesterday meant that it was nearly ten o’clock before I rose from my pit.
I had a little look in the garden when I got up. Yesterday I’d put two loads of washing onto the line which both got soaked in yesterday’s rain. This morning they were drying nicely. This weekend’s weather is typical for the second weekend of July. In years gone by we would have gone to Brighton Kite Festival for the second weekend of July and we would have had one day of glorious sunshine and one day of torrential rain. Every time.
I made toast and had a look at the Internet as I do. It was still there.
Seeing that the First to Find was still waiting on that cache on the marsh we took the dogs down to the marsh to see if we might get it. We parked up, and according to the map we had to follow a footpath across the fields for a little way, so the dogs got a little run. We got to where the GPS said that the geocache was. I saw a likely looking place, and after a minute or so it was in my hand. No one else had signed it. We were first. Result.
We then went on for a minor wander round Lydd, then took a rather circuitous route home.
Once home, seeing the laundry on the line had dried I put still more in to wash, then with “er indoors TM off shopping I spent a little while generally tidying up around the house before having a cheeky little doze on the sofa. I seem to be doing that more and more just lately. Dozing on the sofa that is, not tidying up.
“er indoors TM boiled up a rather good bit of dinner which we washed down with a bottle of Sainsbury’s claret. It went down rather well as I carried on washing undercrackers. As the rest of the country was busy shouting at the telly, I was washing undercrackers.
This evening the England football team was playing in the final of some big European tournament. I only mention this because there is talk that if the England team win (note that’s “the England team” and *not* “England”) then the Prime Minister might get the King to give us all an extra Bank Holiday. I have no interest whatsoever in the football, but I’m quite keen on getting a bonus Bank Holiday. Or half of one I suppose, as I now only work part time.
And I’ve lost half a tooth. I’ll go bother the dentist in the morning.

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