
12 May 2024 (Sunday) - Having A Rest

Yesterday had been rather full-on, but I was still wide awake at six o’clock. I got up and told the world about what I’d been up to yesterday. Organising photos and writing drivel can take a surprising about of time, you know. I had a look at the logs on yesterday’s geo-meet. Most people had enjoyed themselves, but one log made me think. A Finnish pair had come along to the meet, and had spent the first little while lurking under the radar. Their log had been written in Finnish so I suspect that something was lost in translation, but I was rather miffed to read “the new faces can only wonder what's going on. Finally the leader of the meeting noticed us and claimed that everyone is very social even if they don't talk to us”. Presumably by “the leader of the meeting” he meant me… I had been talking with other new people who’d made the effort not to lurk out of the way. The chap then sent me an email asking for the answers to all the puzzles in Kings Wood
And someone else from Germany had been round Kings Wood on a bike yesterday and logged that ten of my caches were missing. Are they? I doubt it. But I shall take a walk up in the week and find out…
In a novel break with tradition I had a rather restful day today. Seeing a very good day forecast I posted on Facebook to see if anyone fancied an afternoon in the garden. Quite a few people had already made plans, but eight of us spent a rather good afternoon in the sunshine.
It was rather good having a bit of a relaxing afternoon… Should do that more often.

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