
11 May 2024 (Saturday) - Rather Busy

I must admit to a degree of jealousy as I peered into the Internet this morning. Having heard that the Northern Lights might be visible last night we went into the garden several times yesterday evening to have a look but saw nothing. This morning it would seem we were the only people on the planet who didn’t see them.
I sulked a bit, had a quick Munzee session, totally failed to find what I’d done with my gaiters (where do they go?), and saw that “er indoors TM  and the dogs had got up.
We had the morning turd-gathering ritual, and I reported each dog’s turd status to “er indoors TM. I won’t regale my loyal readers with the particulars, but knowing your dog’s turd status is a vital part of dog-herding.
I got dressed; today trying a pair of Tesco pants, then we got ready for the day. “er indoors TM found my gaiters in seconds; they were where I’d left them.
We set off for Dog Club and I immediately got Steve’s “Guess the Lyrics” competition on the radio right. “From nine to five I have to spend my time at work…” No? Echo Beach by Martha and the Muffins.
Dog club was fun. We stood in out usual spot; just behind the trees there was a huge puddle. Periodically one of the larger dogs would go up there, we’d hear a huge splash and they would come back dripping wet and covered in mud. We didn’t dare let our three know about it. There was a good turn-out at Dog Club – I counted fifteen dogs at one point, but I’m sure there were more. They don’t stand still to be counted.
Fromm Dog Club we took a little detour into the central car park in Ashford and then on to the garden centre’s car park (it’s a Munzee thing) then drove up to Bedlesmere were we met Karl, Tracey and Charlotte. Last week we put out a series of geocaches; today we walked the route like all the other hunters of Tupperware would. It was a bit easy as we knew where they all were, but it made for a good walk.
With walk walked we went on to the Red Lion. You can’t beat the place. Good food, good beer. Sausages and chips followed by rhubarb crumble. Very nice,
And with dinner scoffed we sat outside in the garden as people gathered. “er indoors TM was hosting the monthly meet-up of the geocaching fraternity today. It was a rather good meet. Loads of people along. Many of the old faces from back in the day, and a lot of people who were new to the game, or hadn’t been to a meet before. I came out rather enthusiastic; just maybe we’ll get this game back to where it used to be.
And talking of games we came home and Chris soon joined us for a game of “Sorry!” on the mini Infinity table. I’d not played that game for years, and no one was more amazed than me when I won. Twice.
We stayed up till midnight in the hope of seeing the Northern Lights… 
We didn’t.
I took a few pictures today… it was rather busy.

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