
13 May 2024 (Monday) - A Day at Work.

I woke full of energy and raring to go… at ten to one. I then dozed fitfully for the rest of the night, not sleeping for more than twenty minutes at any time. I eventually gave up trying to sleep, got up and made toast.
I scoffed it as I watched another episode of “Missions” a particularly strange French sci-fi show in which a Russian cosmonaut lost in 1967 has appeared on Mars fifty year later and has the same DNA as a lump of rock. It has either lost a lot in translation or was written in a hurry.
With a few minutes spare I had a little look at the Internet. Yet another dubious friend request; this one from Rolanda Aiko who is “a lonely and excited girl” and offers “sex and video cameras with hot pussy”.
There wasn’t much else happening on-line so I got ready for work.
Suitably armed with another pair of Tesco undercrackers I set off on a little pre-work Munzee mission. I got enough Points of (dull) Interest to last the month, then set off up the motorway to work. As I drove there was an interview with the MP Theo Clarke. She had a baby a couple of years ago, and had a rather traumatic time of it, and is now trying to instigate a nationwide shake-up of midwifery services. I suppose she means well, but speaking as one who has often been on the receiving end of these shake-ups it has been my experience that once the dust has settled we are left with the same old problem. Which is that people are still trying to do the best they can under less than ideal circumstances. And actually we usually have fewer people trying to do the best they can as none of the people who instigate these shake-ups seems to realise that no one goes into health care with the intention of doing a shabby job. Being told how crap you are really doesn't help staff morale, and those who waddle out of their offices to go round implying that everyone could do better if they tried always act surprised when hard-working people take offence and go and get a job which pays more money for less aggro.
If I had my time again I would do a job that periodically puts up a "closed" sign and doesn't have you terrified of being pilloried for making an honest mistake.
But this is a rant I’ve done countless times before, isn’t it?
I eventually got to work; the roads were rather horrendous today. I left home at seven o'clock and the journey took three quarters of an hour. A friend who lives on the other side of Ashford left home twenty minutes after me and took an hour and a half to do the same trip; it pays to leave early. I'd rather get to work, have a cuppa and read my book rather than sit in traffic burning petrol.
Work was work; at lunchtime there was a presentation from some bunch trying to sell their blood grouping machine. The machine looked OK; but the salt beef bagel they gave me looked better. Very nice.
I came home to find the pond filter in the little pond had packed up. That stopped working yesterday and I needed to clean out the filter medium to get it going again. Today I found it had another filter medium, and that was clagged up too.
With filter de-clagged “er indoors TM sorted dinner then went bowling. I wrote up some CPD. I rarely mention on here what goes on at work, but as I always tell the trainees a day when you learn nothing is a day wasted, and I learned quite a bit at work today.
What with hardly any sleep last night and two days on the sauce at the weekend I’m knackered.
Time for an early night !!!

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