
6 January 2023 (Friday) - Bit Tired

Last night’s night shift was a busy one; when the early shift came in my watch told me that during the shift I’d walked two and a half miles whilst doing my thing.
 As I drove home the radio was spouting its usual brand of drivel. That idiot Prince Harry was still attention-seeking by now claiming that his brother the new Prince of Wales physically bashed him up a year or so ago. Harry claims he wants reconciliation with his family… That might take some doing, but here’s a tip to get started. He might give the hundred million quid he got from his recent publicity deals to charity, move back to the UK, and stop acting like a twat.
There was an interview with ”Lance” out of “Detectorists” who is starring in the upcoming new “Raiders of the Lost Ark” film, but contractually wasn’t allowed to discuss the film at all… which made me wonder why he was being interviewed at all.
And then my piss boiled. There was an interview with the Ukrainian ambassador to the UK who was rather cross about how the morning’s news had featured the antics of resigned royalty and upcoming movie news. He was of the opinion that UK media doesn’t focus on the ongoing Ukrainian war enough and that decent allies would devote more air-time to them and help them more. Bearing in mind there’s little else mentioned on the morning news and the millions of pounds of said they’ve been given… I’ve mentioned before about the ingratitude…
I got home and went to bed for a few hours. Over a late brekkie I saw I had a message on Facebook from someone wanting me to get involved with some international day of protest against religion. When I pointed out that this was the sort of thing that simply would just be laughed at here in the UK, offence was taken. A rant at me was ranted, and the ranter has now blocked me.
No loss there, eh?
I took the dogs for a little walk. All three seemed to be popular; we had no end of people telling me how cute they all were.
And with walk walked we all got home just as the rain started. I spent a couple of hours ironing whilst watching “The Witcher: Blood Origin”. One of the better (actually rather horrible) characters was played by Lenny Henry. I must admit I’ve never warmed to him, and was amazed to see what a good actor he can be.
“er indoors TM boiled up a rather good bit of dinner which we scoffed whilst watching the first episode of “Lego Masters: Australia”. A two-hour recording was shortened by over forty minutes by fast-forwarding through the adverts. Bearing in mind that commercial television is dependent on them, I can’t help but wonder if anyone actually watches them.
The day after a night shift is usually dull.

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