
5 January 2023 (Thursday) - Before the Night Shift

With no alarm set I didn’t wake up silly early, sleeping through until after eight o’clock. “er indoors TM had seen to the puppies, so I made toast and had a look at the Internet. Last night I’d made a comment on the “Normalizing Atheism” Facebook page that I follow about how religion isn’t really a big thing in the UK. Over two hundred people had commented about how America is every bit as much a dark ages theocracy as the Middle East. Which probably explains the ongoing global troubles as one bunch tries to convince the other that one imaginary friend is better than another.
Why does religion still have such a hold on the world when none of it stands up to any logical thought?
I got my boots on and heard a sound. Morgan was peeing. I chivvied him outside even though it was too late. He does ask to go out, but he will leave it to the last minute. There was a five minute delay as I cleared up dog tiddle, then I got the pups on their leads and we went out.
Fortunately it wasn’t raining so we went up to Kings Wood. I had a blast (it’s a Munzee thing), then had a stroke of genius (I have them from time to time!). Chatting at Saturday Dog Club it would seem there’s quite a few people who haven’t heard of Kings Wood or don’t know where it is. So as we walked I took a few photos to post to the Dog Club Facebook page so people might see where Kings Wood is and what it looks like.
Kings Wood was busy today; we must have seen half a dozen other dog walkers. All three dogs chased a squirrel. Rather a stupid squirrel really as it ran for at least a hundred yards passing dozens of trees before eventually going upwards.
The only real “episode” we had was when Bailey was reluctant to get her lead back on; she was too busy chasing crows.
With walk walked we came home. All the dogs went in the bath, but just to have paws washed as we weren’t that grubby today. That’s why I like Kings Wood; we walked a shade over six kilometres in an hour and a quarter and the muddiest bit was the two hundred yards nearest to the car park.
As the dogs snored I set the washing machine loose on more laundry and watched the last episode of the first season of “Star Trek: Prodigy” which was rather good.
I hung out laundry then took all the dog bedding out of the back of my car (what they do “boot dogs” on), loaded it into the washing machine, set it to “mega scrub” and went to bed for the afternoon whilst the washing machine did its best.
I slept reasonably well. It was a shame that Treacle had to go so berserk when the junk mail was delivered during the mid-afternoon. It was equally a shame that junk mail got delivered at all. Does anyone ever read the stuff?
After three hours I got up and hung out the dog blanket that I’d washed. The dog bed was in a bit of a state though. There was no way I could see of opening the thing to take the liner off, and it was rather wet anyway from where wet dogs had been on it. I put it in to tumble-dry for a bit, hung it out, and I’ll see what it is like in the morning. After all, it just gives wet muddy dogs somewhere to sit on the way from the woods to the bath so it doesn’t have to be perfect… but then my dogs sit on it so it has to be perfect.
I’m hoping “er indoors TM will boil up some dinner in a bit, and then I’m off to another night shift. I wonder what the night will hold…


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