
7 January 2023 (Saturday) - Rain Stopped Play

I slept like a log last night… one benefit of the night shift. I took the puppies out. Morgan peed by the back door then refused to come back in. He alternately stared at the lake of pee and stared at me as though to ask how he was supposed to get past it. Silly dog.
With pee lake navigated the two of them went upstairs to bother “er indoors TM and Treacle as I had brekkie.
For once I couldn’t face the usual Facebook drivel, so I spent a few minutes emptying my email in-box. It needed emptying.
Snag The Tag” were harassing me again. “Snag The Tag” is basically geocaching for the very rich. You buy a tag (they are actually rather ornate things and quite collectable). You hide it in a wood somewhere and tell the world where it is. There is then a race, and the first person to find the tag keeps it. And that’s it. The second person there (and anyone else) gets to sulk that they were too late. At fifteen quid per tag this game isn’t taking off like the organisers hoped it might.
I had more emails from the Isle of Wight branch of Halfords. For some reason they insist on sending me all sorts of messages that I don’t want. I unsubscribed yet again; I expect the emails will start again in a week or two.
No end of people of whom I have ever heard want to add me on LinkedIn.
Recruitment agencies (whose emails I have long since cancelled) were still bothering me about vacancies which were of no interest to me.
Firefox Monitor told me that my email address had appeared in a data breach. Bearing in mind that the data breach in question was two years ago and it has only just come to light, I doubt it is much to worry about.
I ended brekkie with an empty in-box. I expect it will slowly fill up again.
Being Saturday morning we drove round to the Repton estate for dog club. Treacle isn’t overly keen on it, but the puppies love it. Morgan and Bailey were soon dashing through the mud with Smudge and Willow and all of their friends. Sharkey tiddled up (at least) two different people. I know the dogs, if not the humans they come with.
The meet-up only lasts for forty minutes, but the puppies love running round like loons bothering everyone else. A girl I work with has started going to dog club; she said that the leader of the puppy classes she attends doesn’t approve of dog club as it teaches the dogs bad ways. Perhaps it does, but all the dogs there (about two dozen today) all seem to enjoy it. I took a few photos as well (as I do).
It was a shame that the rain started just as we were leaving and the bigger dogs were arriving, but the weather forecast had predicted rain for the weekend, and so far (in a novel break with tradition) the forecast has been right.
It was also a shame that both Morgan and Bailey had to be vigorously scrubbed when we got home (to remove the fox poo)
With dogs scrubbed and snoring “er indoors TM and I went shopping. Generally I hate shopping, but for some inexplicable reason I was convinced I might miss something if I stayed home.
How wrong I was.
We drove up to Aldi (which wasn’t as busy as sometimes it can be) and got shopping. I had hoped there might have been something worth having in the middle aisle. There wasn’t. Shopping was dull. With a capital Dull.
We came home, unloaded shopping, and seeing the rain was showing no sign of letting up “er indoors TM cracked on with her jigsaw. I opened the Lego set that “My Boy TM” got me for Christmas. One or two bits were missing, but nothing I couldn’t replace from my spares. And the motor isn’t as powerful as it might be; it’s got some slippage. A judicious dollop of superglue will sort that. But despite one or two hiccups I had an enjoyable time making little powered cars and using them to wind the dogs up.
And then I re-drafted my will (as I was that bored). I’m rather bothered that the fruits of my loin have differing number of fruits of their loins, and am rather keen that everyone gets equal dibs of what I leave. The obvious answer is that I squander it all myself, I suppose.
“er indoors TM sorted fish and chips which we scoffed whilst watching episodes of “The Crown” on Netflix. As we scoffed my phone pinged. We’ve achieved the first level of this month’s Munzee Clan War. Result (!)
There was so much more I could have done today… I suppose.

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