
18 January 2023 (Wednesday) - Bit Tired

It took quite some time to scrape the ice from the car this morning. When I eventually got the thing driveable my piss boiled as I listened to the pundits on the radio. I really shouldn’t listen to them, but if I don’t I end up so oblivious of the world around me.
Just like so many other people are, I suppose.
After five years of deliberation the Church of England has decided against conducting gay marriage ceremonies. Personally I’m all for gay marriages, but I can see why the C of E isn’t. Their Bible is crystal clear on the matter. For pretty much every bit of advice or instruction on any matter whatsoever in the Bible there is usually a contradictory bit of advice or instruction advocating the complete opposite…however homosexuality is pretty much the only issue on which the Bible is clear. Look at Genesis 19, Leviticus 18 & 20, Romans 1:18-32, Corinthians 6:9-10, 1 Timothy 1:8-10.
Why has it taken them five years to decide this?
But the Church has confirmed it will perform ceremonies of "prayers of dedication, thanksgiving or for God's blessing" for same-sex couples following a civil marriage or partnership.
Why? Why are they condoning that which their religion specifically condemns?
Don’t those in the Church of England read their Bibles, or don’t they agree with what the Bible says? As an ex-religious nut, I know that very few Christians have any idea of what their religion is all about. Perhaps this ignorance is spreading into the higher-ups now?
Don’t get me wrong on this. I am all for gay marriage. But the Bible is not. You can’t be gay and be a Christian. Can’t be done. Those who say it can haven’t read the Bible.
I got home and said good morning to “er indoors TM who was scraping the ice off of her car. I had a quick scrub, then went to bed for an hour. I got maybe five minutes’ sleep in that hour. Treacle was continually declaring “Red Alert”, running round shouting, then crying as she wanted to be lifted back on to the bed. I eventually gave up trying to sleep and took the dogs downstairs. They played silly beggars charging round the garden whilst I harvested turds. Dog turds are far easier harvested when frozen (as they were this morning).
I made toast… and ate it before walking the dogs round the block.
Whilst the dogs all snored I cracked on with the ironing. As I ironed I watched a film. ”Bank of Dave” was rather good. It featured Joel Fry (from “Plebs” and “Game of Thrones”) as a London lawyer who went to Burnley and turned out not to be quite the stereotypical soft Southern fairy that all the locals thought he was.
And with ironing ironed I sat on the sofa with the dogs and watched the start of  three-hour Four-In-A-Bed-a-thon. I saw the first few minutes of the first episode, and woke up in time to see the end credits of the last one.
“er indoors TM came home with a bargain pizza bundle from Tesco. We scoffed it whilst watching last Sunday’s episode of “Lego Masters”. Being a music-based challenge this week, great show was made of a mystery guest judge who turned out to be Delta Goodrem.  Am I the only person who had never heard of her?
Oh – and I’ve started following “Amyywoahh” on Facebook. With a succession of pet fish all called “Swimmy” (all of whom get flushed down the loo to fish heaven) and an obsession with explosive dire rear, she makes videos that are on my level…

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