
19 January 2023 (Thursday) - Before the Late Shift

I was woken this morning when a cold wet nose shoved itself into my bum. I rolled over to find the puppies looking incredibly pleased with themselves; they love being allowed on to the big bed. I rolled over and got another hour’s sleep.
The first half-hour this morning summed up my family life entirely. As “er indoors TM pootled about so all three dogs followed her every move like second shadows, utterly oblivious to what I was doing. When she went to work they looked at the door for five seconds, then all came and mobbed me as though to say “she’s gone; backup plan”.
As I scoffed toast I had my usual trawl of the Internet. The Lego club has now changed its name to “… for 8-199” rather than “… for all ages”, and there’s been surprisingly little aggro on-line. I suppose it’s fair to say that had the under-eight brigade behaved decently they wouldn’t have been given the heave-ho. Back in the day there were under-eights at the Astro club and arky-ologee club and various snake clubs and geocaching outings  and all of them managed to sit down, shut up and join in with whatever was going on without (quite literally) running round in circles constantly screaming and shouting.
There wasn’t much else happening on-line so I got dressed, woke the dogs who had all gone to sleep, and went on the morning’s little mission.
We walked down the road to the vets. As we walked it was rather icy. No end of idiots were cycling, skateboarding and scooter-ing through the ice. There was a dodgy episode when a skateboarder and a cyclist collided. Both had headphones on and were blissfully unaware of anyone or anything else around them until the impact.
We got to the vets. The puppies were madly over-enthusiastic about everything but Treacle wasn’t happy to be there. One of the veterinary nurses held her lead whilst I weighed the puppies, and seeing her chance Treacle gave the lead a huge tug, pulled her collar off and made a run for it. Sadly (for her) she ran straight into the waiting area and was immediately recaptured. I don’t know why she was so unhappy to be there; all we did was sit and wait for a few minutes.
With treatments dispensed we came home, and I did the treatments. All treatments were done in less than five minutes. All that is needed is a drop of flea juice on the back of each neck. When “er indoors TM is involved it becomes quite the pantomime; all three were as good as gold for me.
The dogs were very soon asleep with me on the sofa. I sparked up the lap-top again and did an entire week’s worth of Coursera in an hour or so. CPD might be a tad dull, but doing it is a legal requirement, so there it is. All the time I do blood tests, I do CPD.
I also phoned the local hospital to sort out a new nosepiece for my CPAP machine. I left a message on their answer machine. I wonder if anyone got that message.
And I spent an age trying to remember what else it was I had planned to sort out this morning before work. I knew I had two phone calls to make. One was sorting the CPAP machine, and I completely forgot what the other one was. I get so wound up by that. There are all sorts of things at work that I need to do which I remember as I drive home. All sorts of things to do at home whilst I remember when at work…
And as is pretty much always the case when on the late shift the day was effectively over by noon. Work was… frustrating might be a good way to describe it. I shall gloss over the petty trivialities but console myself with the thought that once Dad’s house is sold I could survive on my current pension.
And I could stop with the CPD…

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