
17 January 2023 (Tuesday) - Before the Night Shift

With no alarm set I slept like a log, waking about half past seven as a cold wet nose shoved itself into my armpit. I dozed with the puppies for half an hour; much as they love coming up to the big bed, they are as good as gold in their crate every night. It’s only fair to let them have a little reward… not that they really understand the big bed is a reward.
Eventually we all got up and had brekkie. I tuned in to Facebook and saw the epically-chested child who’d sent me a friend request yesterday hadn’t had her account deleted. In one day her friends list had grown quite substantially, but no one claiming to be her friend was actually of an age (or gender) to plausibly be her friend. All were old enough to know better than to sniff round someone young enough to be their granddaughter. I deleted the friend request. Sometimes I can be rather puritanical.
There wasn’t much else happening on-line so I got dressed.
I got the dogs on to their leads and we went to the car. After ten minutes of vigorous scraping of ice I could see though the windows. The plan was to go up to Kings Wood, but the traffic was against us. After fifteen minutes we were only half-way up Brookfield Road. By the time we got to the traffic lights my patience had worn out, so we took a left and went to Orlestone Woods instead. I had this plan that the mud would still be frozen, and thought I might give Morgan another chance (in the past he has been difficult there).
We got to the woods where Morgan was as good as gold. However I discovered a meteorological peculiarity (!) As we drove down to Orlestone the car’s thermometer said it was minus three degrees. Once in the car park the temperature was suddenly plus nought point five degrees. We had a good walk, but the mud wasn’t as frozen as it might have been.
When we got back to the car the temperature was plus two degrees. That’s why the mud was melting. However as we drove out of the car park onto Malthouse Lane so the temperature dropped to minus three degrees. The woods were warmer than the surrounding area. How does that work?
As we walked I took a few photos of the woods to share with the Dog Club’s Facebook group. Several people had commented over the last few weeks that they had never heard of Orlestone Woods.
We came home and the pups had a hot shower to warm up, and soon all were fast asleep. I got pastries for the humans (“er indoors TM” was working from home today) then spent an hour or so (as the washing machine scrubbed laundry) writing up CPD whilst tired little dogs snored next to me.
As I CPD-ed so I heard something at the door. My new phone charging cable had arrived. I ordered it through Amazon last night and it arrived about twelve hours later. All the time they send the right thing, this is the future of shopping.
I went to bed for a few hours and got some sleep. Not as much as I might have liked. Sleep is dodgy stuff; it would be much easier if we came with “off” switches.
Hopefully “er indoors TM will boil up some scran in a bit, and then I’m off to the night shift. Sadly I’m missing Lego club tonight as I can’t get there for long enough to make it worthwhile before work. Mind you there’s been a development with Lego club… there are moves afoot to have the smaller children having their own session. Personally I can’t help but feel that this can only be a good thing; two weeks ago I mentioned the children that clearly don’t want to be there and just run round screaming and shouting (they really did quite literally just run round whilst screaming and shouting). But isn’t this a sign of our times. Back in the day if either of my two behaved unacceptably like that I would have physically dragged them out. These days it is the child’s inalienable human right to do whatever the f… it wants, where it wants and when it wants.
Mind you Aristotle thought the same and he died over two thousand years ago…

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