
16 January 2023 (Monday) - Hubble Bubble...

I had an early night last night and was sleeping like a log when “er indoors TM and Treacle came up a couple of hours later. Treacle then stomped all over me several times until she was sure that I was wide awake, then she made herself comfortable and went to sleep. I then spent most of the rest of the night listening to the torrential rain (as my stomach gurgled).
So much for the snow that had been forecast. It really is time to stop this stupidity which is weather forecasting until such time as it can be done with any level of reliability.
The puppies weren’t going out into the rain this morning and I couldn’t blame them. They went to bother “er indoors TM. With any luck they woke Treacle (!)
I made toast and watched the last episode of “The Pentaverate” which was pretty much as crap as all the preceding episodes.
With a little time on my hands I sparked up the lap-top. I had a friend request on Facebook from someone of whom I’ve never heard who looked young enough to be my granddaughter. Her list of friends featured a load of blokes who all looked old enough to know better.
Several people were posting twee mems and platitudes. I rather tire hearing about making lemonade when life gives you lemons from those who have never been given a lemon by life.
Sadly very few people had done much of note over the weekend, or if they had, few had seen fit to post it on Facebook. Being a very nosey person I like to see what everyone else is doing.
Fortunately my car was just outside the house so not only could I actually find the thing this morning, I didn't get *that* wet getting to it either. As I drove to work the pundits on the radio were interviewing the head honcho of Norway's equivalent of British Gas. What the chap said was quite amazing. On the one hand he was saying that the price we pay for gas (and leccie)  is going to remain sky-high for the foreseeable future. On the other had he said that gas prices are now at pre-pandemic levels.
So what's going on?
Presumably someone is making a profit here?
There was also talk about how so many people have paid for Christmas on credit cards, and quite a few aren't at all confident about being able to repay what they've borrowed.
Why do we all go so silly at Christmas buying stuff we don't need or want? Our shed is still full of endless drinks that never got drunk, and the fridge has never been so full (well, not since last Christmas).
I got to work and did my bit... in between endless trips to the loo. Saturday night's excessive beer session followed by yesterday's curry-a-thon had taken its toll.  Hubble Bubble Toilet Trouble...
During one trip to the loo as I sat reading Facebook on my phone I was amazed to see all the floods in Hastings with an eel seen swimming through the shopping precinct.
I'm reasonably confident that Dad's house is safe, being at the top of a hill. But there were floods in Frederick Road, and that is on one of the steepest hills in Hastings (and being in Hastings it is up against some stiff competition).
On several subsequent trips to the loo I was following a petty squabble on the Facebook page I follow about a series of books. Someone was asking for suggestions of what other books make good reading...
These days the word "reading" doesn't mean what it used to. Very few people actually read a book these days. More and more people listen to someone else reading a book to them.  Those who actually read a book were advocating gripping stories and particular authors, those who listen were listing stories read by specific narrators who use a wide range of voices for the various characters.
And both groups were getting rather nasty with each other.
Yesterday I sat looking at the glorious day outside. Today I found myself not really looking out of the window until the mid afternoon, and then sulking as it is still getting dark so early. It wasn't that long ago that I could take the dogs to the woods after work. Sunset today was over an hour before I finished.
As I’d been working so two lorries had crashed on the motorway blocking the London-bound carriageway between home and work. I was able to drive home as far as the motorway exit at Ashford, but from there the roads were at a standstill as all the traffic going London-bound was coming off the motorway to take the A-road. Faced with a quite epic traffic jam I took a rather circuitous route home from the motorway junction and despite going five miles out of my way I was only twenty minutes late home.
“er indoors TM boiled up a rather good bit of dinner and then went bowling. I settled down with the dogs and watched the first episode of “Dark; a sort-of German version of “Stranger Things”.
It looks like it might have promise, but so did “The Pentaverate”…
I’m just off to the loo again…


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