7 March 2025 (Friday) - This n That

I woke at one minute to four this morning feeling like death warmed up. I lay in bed for half an hour feeling like death warmed up, then had this idea that I might chirp up if I got up.
I made toast and scoffed it whilst watching an episode of “Star Trek: Discovery”, then had a little look at the internet in case anything had happened overnight. Not a lot seemed to have kicked off on social media really, but there were a lot of photos of yesterday’s World Book Day events in which children had gone to school dressed as their favourite fictional characters. Back in the day children were taught to read; now they are taught to get their mothers to dress them up as their favourite TV character and hope there's a book associated with it, safe in the knowledge that no one else knows whether there is or not.
It’s as well this never happened thirty years ago – my two would have gone to school in their usual attire and would be “the children whose daddy couldn’t be arsed”.
As an avid reader it bothers me that people don’t read books (or e-books) any more. Another thing along these lines which boils my piss is "graphic novels" - another word for "comic books".  People who can't be bothered to read a proper book pretend that comics are literature. These things were then largely superceded by audio books in which people actually read the story out so you didn't even have to pick up a book (comic or otherwise). 
World book day... this ain't helping my blood pressure, is it?
I set off to work via the petrol station. There was quite the queue in the kiosk. Only one till was open.  The miserable old bat was quite openly bimbling about straightening the price labels on the shelves and busying herself with similar trivia whilst sneering as the queue grew.
I listened to the pundits on the radio as I drove up the motorway. Again everyone seemed incensed at the antics of Donald Trump. Again everyone seemed to be missing the point. Previous American presidents have seen their role as being the leader of the western world. It's pretty plain that Mr Trump sees his role as being that to which he was elected; president of America. What he does which so incenses international commentators is being done to impress those who might vote for him. He don't care about international opinion, and why should he? There's no votes in that.
I got to work and did my bit. I helped one of the bosses set up her own CPD blog. And now she's recording her CPD on-line I shall shamelessly blag her efforts. And there was doughnuts at tea time... I had one - two hundred calories, and (at the risk of appearing ungrateful) it wasn't really anything special.
And I did some e-learning - Understanding sexual misconduct in the workplace. I got 100%. I’m not sure if that’s good or bad.
“er indoors TM boiled up bangers and mash for tea which we scoffed whilst watching more of “The Traitors USin which I was so pleased to see the stupid one getting voted out. Mind you when I say “the stupid oneI’m not narrowing it down much. This particular one didn’t so much converse with the other contestants as massively over-react and then pull stupid grimaces at the camera.
I must admit that I took an instant dislike to this one at the start and I’ve been watching it ever since pretty much waiting for her to get the heave-ho.
Now that she’s gone I’m not really fussed about the rest.
I might have an early night – that early start is certainly taking its toll…

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