
3 February 2025 (Monday) - Geo-Planning

Whenever I’m on a diet I have a weigh-in on a Monday morning. Since I started this diet ark three weeks ago I’ve lost ten pounds which is something of a result. Mind you I’ve always found that provided I ignore the pain of being constantly hungry, weight loss is easy. Keeping the weight off is the tricky bit.
I made toast and had a little look at the Internet as I do. This morning’s petty squabble on Facebook was about the unit used for measuring radiation exposure. Most people favoured calling it the roentgen, but a vociferous minority were claiming the unit was called the ronkin.
Oh, there was some serious attitude going on.
I went out to the car and scraped the ice off, then loaded up the dogs and took them to the woods for a little walk. We went up to Kings Wood where I checked up the final locations on some more of the geo-series I’m planning there. We had a good walk over four and a half miles; once away from the car park we didn’t see anyone else at all.
At one point I saw movement in the woods about a hundred yards in front of us. Deer. A herd of about twenty. They’d obviously seen us and were walking as fast as we were, just keeping that distance between us until we reached a crossroads of the tracks. At that point they all ran across the path in front of us. My ever-vigilant dogs completely missed them.
When we left home the thermometer in the car said it was half a degree above freezing. When we got back to the car after our walk it was nine degrees. What a difference in under three hours.
We came home. I’d put coats onto the smaller dogs thinking that might keep them warm and clean. But once home I had to wash both the dogs and the coats.
I made a cuppa and cut myself a slice of Christmas cake, then sparked up the laptop and carried on with my current geo-project. After three hours I’d come up with the artwork for the geo series – what people will see on the map before they start solving the puzzles and correcting the co-ordinates.
And after another two hours I’d re-written my old Crystal Maze Wherigo into a little series of brain teasers.
Once we’d scoffed dinner “er indoors TM went bowling, and as the dogs snored I settled in front of the telly and watched more “Poldark”. Cornwall of two hundred years ago would seem to have been a very unmoral place. Mistress Morwenna was hankering after Drake. Her husband the vicar had tubbed her sister. And on seeing what Ross was up to with Elizabeth, Demelza decided that what was good for the goose was good for a goosing.
I gave up after two episodes. I needed a rest.

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