
2 February 2025 (Sunday) - A Day at the Coast

As I headed to the loo in the small hours so Bailey appeared from her basket. What was she doing downstairs? I let her into the garden, and once we’d both done our things she ran up the stairs to bed… and stopped. Treacle was standing at the foot of the bed glaring at her. I picked Bailey up and lifted her past Treacle, and all was fine. But Treacle clearly didn’t want Bailey coming up.
We all went back to bed and slept through until nearly nine o’clock.
I made toast and had my usual rummage round the Internet. Several people were kicking off on one of the local Facebook groups. Apparently some trees had been cut down in a local car park this morning, and some weren’t happy at the sound of a chain saw at half past seven on a Sunday morning when supposedly hard-working people were trying to sleep. It never fails to amaze me how so many people don’t realise that not everyone works and sleeps at the same time. Presumably those complaining were the same ones who have been complaining recently about how they claimed these trees were dangerous.
And then “er indoors TM and the dogs came down. I took them into the garden and chased round with the turd-harvesting bucket. Bearing in mind I fetched in two epic harvests of dog dung yesterday I was amazed at how much was waiting to be brought in this morning.
We got the dogs onto their leads and went out. There is a little adventure lab series along the coast from Littlestone to Dungeness so that filled an hour. Part of it involved a little walk across the nature reserve to the sound mirrors. It was rather pretty down there, but walking on the shingle was hard work.
With ad-lab ad-labbed we then failed to find a geocache on the road to Lydd. The description said that we should look behind the concrete post. We could only see one post and there was nothing behind it.
And with a little time on our hands we went on another geo-adventure. We drove down the road from Lydd to the beach as far as we could. We parked by the sign which clearly said no motor vehicles past this point. That was just over half a mile from where we needed to be, so a little walk down a track with no cars and then a run on the beach would suit us. Or so we thought. No motor vehicles? You wouldn’t believe the number of idiots driving down that track. There were pot holes deeper than my wellies, and you could hear the crunching as the undersides of cars scraped along. But we had a good walk. We got to the beach where there was a little statue of the Mystery Man of Denge Marsh. It’s a statue of a human figure laying on the beach. No one seems to know who put it there, but apparently it has been there for at least twenty years. And (needless to say) there’s a geocache nearby.
It was only a shame that on the walk back to the car Bailey had to run under the fence into the Army shooting range (twice), but she came back.
I took a few photos as we were out and about.
We came home for a late lunch. A cup of coffee and a bit of Christmas cake (about half the calories we’d walked off this morning) and I had a look at my next Adventure lab project. I’ve got quite a few ideas in mind for geocaching adventure labs, and one of them is now ready to go. I shall activate it next Saturday in readiness for the geo-event I’m planning for then.
“er indoors TM boiled up a rather good bit of dinner which we scoffed whilst watching a couple of episodes of “Celebrity Hunted”. Are these celebrities really that stupid that they have pre-arranged live TV shows? And are the hunters really that stupid that they didn’t check the celebrities’ schedules?

Today has been rather busy…

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