
26 February 2025 (Wednesday) - Early Shift, Telly, Fembots

I slept well, but was wide awake at four o’clock. I lay awake for a bit, then gave up trying to sleep, got up and watched another episode of “Sick Note” then had a little look at the Internet. Our new MP was posting more propaganda from the Labour party. He’s been in post for several months now, and I’m rather disappointed in him. The last chap did very little but post to social media attempting to take the credit for other people’s efforts. This new chap just posts Labour party propaganda to social media.
I don’t really know what I was expecting from a Labour party MP, but taking over from a Conservative who had been caught with porn on his computer I had been expecting more.
There wasn’t much else going on, so I got ready for work. It was starting to get light as I left home this morning, and the seagulls were squawking like things possessed. I wonder what had wound them up.
I walked to where I'd parked the car yesterday evening. It was quite a way away. I scraped off the ice and drove round to the co-op. Having loads of change from the Dog Club pot I asked if they'd be interested in having my pound coins in exchange for notes. 
They were.
I then set off up the motorway listening to the pundits on the radio as I went.  As I went there was all sorts of talk about Donald Trump. He's said that America wants dibs on Ukrainian mineral deposits. Bearing in mind how much the Americans have done for the Ukrainians that's not unreasonable, is it?
And there was talk of how the UK is upping spending on the defence budget. Opinion was divided as to why. Some felt it was sucking up to Donald Trump, others felt that America has had enough of spending money on defending Europe and Europe needs to defend itself from now on. I suspect there's truth to both arguments.
I got to work and did my bit on the early shift. As I worked I had a message from the first fruit of my loin. Did I have a pressure washer? Yes, thank you I replied. I went on to say I have got two. He was asking because he’s not got any now. His one blew up this morning. Mind you I say “blew up”, it actually stopped working and loads of smoke came out of it, but the end result is the same.
He wants to borrow one of mine, though he is rather vague as to whether he wishes to pressure-wash with it or to blow it up. I expect I will find out eventually. I’ll just make the proviso that if (when) he blows it up he can take the remains to the tip.
“er indoors TM went off out to the Marlowe with Steve and Sarah to see some comedian or other. I sorted myself a pizza and sparked up Netflix.Subserviencewas a rather good film, but like many sci-fi ideas wasn’t a new story. Whilst Asimov’s TN-3 and JN-1 came to mind, I was mostly reminded of Edmund Cooper’s Marion-A. It was a shame that the robot in this evening’s film ended up being a total psycho, but that’s what most robots on the telly end up being, isn’t it? Robots of cheap sci-fi stories of seventy years ago were much better thought-out. And they didn’t walk round in saucy undercrackers doing the dirty deed either.

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