
25 February 2025 (Tuesday) - Traffic, Axolotls

I didn’t have the best of nights last night. I woke in the small hours in desperate need of the loo, and rather than getting up, going and going back to kip (which would have taken about two minutes) I spent hours twisting and turning and trying to resist the urge to get up.
Eventually I rose, did that which I should have done hours before, made toast and had my usual look at the Internet. It was much the same as ever. This morning there was some chap ranting on one of the Facebook pages I follow. He was ranting about how he’s never used algebra in his life, and why should children be taught it? This is a rant which appears from time to time and is always ranted by the genuinely stupid. Everyone uses algebra every single day, and those who claim they don’t, don’t actually know what algebra is.
I munzed and wordled, and seeing the rain had stopped I took the dogs out. The traffic round Ashford was a nightmare this morning. Again there was gridlock at the Cows roundabout, and matters weren’t helped by people trying to randomly swap lanes but not using indicators to show where they wanted to go.
The trouble with Ashford’s traffic is that what with the motorway and the train lines the town is cut into sections between which it is rather difficult to move. It only takes one road to get a delay and the whole town stops.
We eventually got to the woods where we had a good walk. The same route of four miles as yesterday. Bailey found a bone and some fox poo, but nothing that a dunk in the bath (with soap!) couldn’t shift.
As the rain started again I went into the garden and did some more pressure-washing of the patio. The little hand-held pressure-washer is so much easier to use than the big one in the shed, but neither is much good for my back.
I then drove to the post office. Sky wanted the old router back. I would have thought that the obvious thing for them to have done would have been to have the bloke take away the old when he delivered the new, but what do I know.
From there I drove down to Folkestone to collect my favourite lady for an afternoon out. I’d been messaging with Badger’s Hill Farm about visiting there this afternoon. They told me that we should wear wellies as it would be muddy. Sadly they didn’t tell me not to bother going as the place would be closed.
Oh well… it was only an hour’s worth of wasted driving.
From there it wasn’t *that* far to Bybrook Bark to look at their fish. Sadly they were having a delivery of fish and so the aquarium was closed. I took a deep breath. But we got to see the pond fish, some angel fish and an axolotl too. Littlun seems to like axolotls. She was quite taken with the acers outside as well.
An acer is a far more practical proposition at the moment.
By then it was home time, and we had something of a reprise of this morning’s drive to the woods. What is usually a five-minute drive from the garden centre to the motorway took forty-five minutes. It took me four times as long to get to the motorway as it took to get from Ashford to Folkestone.
“er indoors TM boiled up fish and chips for tea which we scoffed whilst watching the last episode of “Celebrity Hunted”. I won’t say what happened or who (if indeed anyone) won, but I must admit that having been convinced I would do OK on that show, now I’m not so sure. Mind you, when you realise the amount of CCTV that would seems to be across the country, some sort of a disguise would be a must. Wouldn’t it?
My back still hurts… Perhaps the four-mile walk, the hour with the pressure-washer and carrying littlun round the garden centre was a tad too much?
And the goldfish have stirred up the muck in their tank again.

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