
16 February 2025 (Sunday) - Cranbrook and Hawkhurst

I didn’t get out of my pit until nine o’clock this morning. Something of a result. I made toast and had a look on-line. In the Ashford Facebook group people were grumbling about energy prices. As the grumbles went on one thing became very apparent. Your energy bill is less to do with how much you use and all to do with who you pay. People using seemingly the same amount of power were paying wildly different amounts. I can’t understand the entire power market thing. If I change my supplier I pay a different amount of money, but it is exactly the same gas and leccie which I am using.
In the same group someone else was telling the world that she’d lost her air-pods and had tracked them down to a particular house in Quantock Drive. Having posted pictures of where her phone said the things were, and having accused the people in that house of having stolen them, she was rather miffed to be told that the GPS accuracy was no better than a hundred feet and it could be in any one of a dozen houses. She was even more miffed to be told she might get sued for defamation of character for making such public accusations.
I had an email from Credit Karma who said I’d hit a milestone in my credit journey because I’d paid down my credit card every month for the last six months. I’ve actually paid it down every month for as long as I’ve had a credit card (forty-odd years). It bothers me how much these people know about my financial dealings. I’ve asked the bank how these people know supposedly confidential financial information, and the bank claim that these credit agencies have access to everyone’s business.
I munzed and Wordled, then solved a few geo-puzzles and wrote up some CPD before the off.
We drove out to Cranbrook where we thought we might tire the dogs walking the Ad-Lab geocache series. We had a good walk. We found a multi-cache whilst we were at it and also identified a problem with the nearby Church Micro. As we walked back to the car we found ourselves walking past Larkins Alehouse. From the outside it looked rather quiet, but we went in to find a wonderful pub. The place welcomed dogs, and had a rather good beer selection, and was filled with the most welcoming people. We sat and chatted with a rather friendly couple who also had dogs, and as we chatted I got through two pints of a rather good porter.
From Cranbrook it was a short hop to Hawkhurst and the Royal Oak where we met up with family and had a very good Sunday roast. “er indoors TM and I had an entire roast chicken between us to say nothing of far too many vegetables. The dogs certainly didn’t go hungry. The dessert menu was equally good. They had Larkins ale on the hand pump and things got rather vague as the afternoon wore on.

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