
15 February 2025 (Saturday) - Dog Club, Lego, Games Night

My alarm woke me at seven o’clock this morning. That rarely happens. I got up, made toast and had my usual rummage round the Internet. There was quite a bit of talk about how filming is due to start on the new.series of “Red Dwarf”. For once there was no argument or bickering on Facebook about it. Everyone was agreed that Red Dwarf has had its day (about twenty-five years ago) and should be allowed to retire gracefully. The show was hilarious to begin with, but it has been done to death.   
There was a similar sense of unanimity on the local Ashford Facebook page where seeming the the whole town was condemning some woman who was offering to walk dogs for ten quid an hour whilst claiming that she wasn’t doing it as a business and consequently didn’t need to have insurance or pay tax on her earnings.
I munzed, got Wordle on the fifth attempt, and got ready for the off.
As we drove to Repton Steve was doing the “Guess the Lyrics” competition on the radio, “You count the days but does it all add up to you”? – Living by Numbers – New Musik – 1980? No? – I recognized it when the song was played.
We got to Repton and Dog Club and had a very good (if rather muddy) time. We all stood in a cold field making polite conversation whilst about twenty dogs ran riot. The dogs all had fun; I loved it.
As it so often does, Dog Club overran a bit, but we caught the end of the Mystery Year competition as we drove home. Live Aid? Yes – I know it was 1985, but I always say 1986.
We came home and had a cuppa, and there was a knock on the door. Rob and Lizzie were passing. It was good to catch up.
I then counted up the Dog Club money. The people whose field it is ask for one pound fifty per dog per week. I put up a pot for the money, and once home count it all up, pocket it and transfer that amount (plus a fiver for our three) to the field owner’s bank account. It works well – I’ve not had to get cash from the bank for ages… but it does leave me with far too much loose change. I mentioned this to the chap who runs the local corner shop a while ago and he said he’d welcome the loose change.
So I took forty quid’s worth of change to the corner shop.
Never again.
There was someone different behind the counter today. I told him that the shop owner had told me he’d like the loose change. The chap behind the counter looked at me as though I was the shit on his shoe and phoned the owner. I heard him saying that someone claiming to be called Dave was trying to unload coins. He then took a ridiculous amount of time to inspect and count the change, and made a point of turning away from me every time another person walked anywhere near his counter. He then announced he would only take the pound coins and the twenty pence pieces, and inspected every single one.
Bearing in mind I’ve been shopping in there for over forty years and was doing them a favour I can’t say I was at all impressed.
I had a bit of a tidy up, and cleaned out the fish tank. I could do with replacing that tank with one that is slightly bigger but the same height. I spent a little while looking on-line but no one seems to make tanks that are only twelve inches high. I shall have to look at getting a bespoke one made.
And then with a little time on my hands I cracked open a Christmas pressie. “Daddies’ Little Angel TM had bought me the Lego Chrysanthemum (from their Botanical range) and I spent a rather pleasant hour putting it together.
Steve Sarah and Chris came round for the evening and we had a rather good session on the Infinity table. Game of life, Sorry, Ticket to Ride… I rather enjoy our games nights… but I might have let the diet slip a little this evening.

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