
11 February 2025 (Tuesday) - Pork Chop Giraffe

Usually I don’t hear “er indoors TM coming to bed. I did last night – one of the dogs was in trouble for some unspecified crime.
Having had a few nights of reasonable kip, with an alarm set I didn’t really sleep well lat night, and was up and watching “Poldark” far too early. In today’s installment the foxy one who everyone fancied croaked. I could never work out why she was supposedly the foxy one as she always looked thoroughly miserable but I suppose that was her attraction.
As I watched so Morgan was going up and down the stairs. Having got up for a tiddle he was probably scared to go back to the bed as Treacle tends to guard it. She’s fine with any other dog being on the bed, but once they get off she won’t let them back on.
There wasn’t much happening on the internet this morning so I got ready for work. It was rather nippy as I set off. I went to the petrol station to get a sandwich. The woman behind the till asked if I wanted to make it up to a meal deal for an extra fifty pence. I explained that I was on a diet, and how many calories came in the bag of crisps and the bottle of pop. Once she’d taken my money she then said I could have had a bottle of flavoured water and a bag of fruit instead. That was helpful.
As I drove up the motorway the pundits on the radio were talking about the various trade tariffs that President Trump is bringing in. Pretty much everyone except President Trump thinks they are bad things. There was talk about the last load of tariffs he introduced, and the general consensus of everyone asked was that everyone has learned the lessons of tariffs *except* Donald Trump.
And there was lots of talk about the war in Gaza… but nothing about Ukraine (again).
The motorway was particularly busy this morning, and was rammed at Maidstone. I took a diversion through Aylesford to miss the worst of the traffic.
By the time I got to work my watch told me that I’d done more steps by half past seven in the morning than I did all day last Sunday.
Work was work. We had a Red Alert. I’ve mentioned before they are much more fun on Star Trek. Or anywhere else other than where I am really. But being on an early shift meant I got out early. I came home via the electrical shop where I went three weeks ago; the light bulbs I ordered were finally in. And I popped the keys to the scout hut back to Pam. It was good to catch up – Pam was saying that the scout group needs a new chairman. I wonder if I might do that?
I came home to find my favourite lady in residence. “Daddies’ Little Angel TM has an appointment in the morning so littlun is staying with us until mid-day tomorrow. She’s become incredibly polite just lately; constantly saying “Morgan will you please get out of the way” every time he come close. Sadly every time I take that which she shouldn’t have away from her she runs to her grandmother announcing “Granddad has stolen my toy”. Mind you (in much the same way) every time “er indoors TM tells her off she complains to me.
We’ve had pizza and watermelon, played “pork chop giraffe”, and it has just gone bed time. I personally think bed time before midnight is ambitious but here’s hoping.
Oh – and the geo-feds are (mostly) happy with the first quarter of my Kings Wood geo-series…

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