
10 February 2025 (Monday) - Woods, Wherigo, Weight

I made my usual toast for brekkie (two hundred and seventy eight calories) and had a look at the Internet.
As I peered into Facebook this morning I was invited to sign a petition demanding that an ice-skating rink be established in Ashford. The petition is rather interesting in that for all that it demands that an ice-skating rink be established in Ashford it is utterly silent on who it is demanding it from. I’d suggest that the local council have far more important things to spend their (our) money on – flood defences on the river by Asda immediately springs to mind. Setting up an ice rink is surely something for private enterprise, isn’t it? I can’t help but think that if there were money to be made from such a venture, someone would already be making it.
And there were calls for the Eurostar to stop at Ashford again. It used to stop. But not enough people got on or off at Ashford to make it worthwhile having the station open.
With rain forecast for later in the day I was keen to make an early start so I took the dogs out. As we drove the pundits on the radio were talking about the war in Ukraine. It is still going on despite not a lot of news coverage these days. It was suggested that the Western world has better things to spend its money on rather than financing a war which is nothing to do with them. It was also suggested that the Russian economy is in a bit of a state. It was claimed that both sides are looking for a way to end it all without losing face. Which is sadly what has probably been the case for quite some time.
As we’d driven so the drizzle had started. It ended as we got to the woods. I wanted to check out the last few locations for my ongoing geo-project. I had this idea that the last bit to check would make for a shorter walk, but we ended up walking about quarter of a mile more than we usually do. But I did that which I needed to do, and the dogs had a good outing too. It was a shame that Bailey had to roll in fox poo, but that’s what she does.
Despite the weather forecast we walked four miles with no rain. We came home for a bath: all the dogs were filthy; being low to the ground they do collect the mud. And with dogs bathed I cleaned out the bathroom shelf tray thingy. Someone hadn’t secured the lid of the dog shampoo bottle after their last scrub and it had filled the shelf tray thingy. I then ran round with the hoover… and then took a Stanley knife to the thing’s roller which was tangled up with cotton and string.
By the time I’d cleaned out the washing machine’s fabric conditioner tray and put in another washload I was worn out.
I updated my Kings Wood geo-database with what I’d done this morning then sorted myself a light lunch. In the past when “er indoors TM has been in the office I’ve popped over the shop and got myself a lunch of a bag of Doritos, a pot of dip and a can of Tizer. Today I had a cup of coffee and a mince pie which was almost exactly one thousand calories less. That’s the trick to weight loss – just be aware of exactly what you are shoving down your neck.
I spent three more hours writing up Wherigo and geocache pages. I’m now at the stage where I’ve done all the preliminary location visits and written everything up. I’ve sent the entire lot to the reviewer for him to give it all a preliminary once-over and if he’s happy I’ve then got to put the actual caches out. I suspect that will take about five visits to the woods.
“er indoors TM boiled up six hundred calories worth of dinner and went off bowling as she does. I sparked up Netflix and caught up with the antics of the Poldark tribe. The beastly vicar has croaked. Good.
And in the three weeks that I’ve been going at this diet, I’ve lost nearly a stone and my blood pressure, whilst still too high, is better than it has been. Here’s hoping weight and blood pressure carry in subsiding. And stay subsided. Perhaps if I carry on having a weigh-in every Monday morning and a blood pressure every Monday evening from here on in I can keep tabs on myself?


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