
31 December 2024 (Tuesday) - New Year's Eve

I did my usual trick last night of having an alarm set last night and consequently waking far too early. I was watching an episode of “Victoria” at half past five, and with that watched I had a quick look at the Internet. There are quite a few people who are suspicious of technology watching what we do. Personally I’m not that fussed about being watched, but I must admit I’m becoming more and more of the opinion that the technology is watching us in more ways than we realise. I’ve not actively gone hunting for anyone to sort our leccie issue, but this morning my Facebook feed had several adverts for Checkatrade and electricians.
Taking care not to wake anyone I got ready for work and set off. I drove to the Co op to get myself a sandwich. Going for the meal deal option saved me over two quid, and using the self-service till gave me the opportunity to empty a pocketful of loose change. From there I came straight back home to pick up my staff pass card which I'd left behind.
As I drove up the motorway there was talk of the New Year Honours List. Stephen Fry is now a "Sir", and loads of other people have got gongs. I don't doubt they've done all sorts of stuff to earn their awards but there was an interview with some bloke who had been inducted into the Order of the Garter who said that a good Honours system brings the country together. I'd make the observation that any honours system honours those getting an honour and excludes the thousands who've also done good stuff but never got any recognition. Like those who run every scout group in the country for a start. But that's a rant I've done to death.
There was also a lot of talk about physical education in schools and its importance in the curriculum. Or "criklum" as everyone on Radio Four likes to call it. Those few who were sporty were banging on about what a good thing it was. As one who was just there to make up the numbers and was always last to be picked for any teams, I can't help but think that physical education in schools is something of a minefield.
I got to work; there was a new POI there (it's a Munzee thing). I cracked on with work which was surprisingly busy bearing in mind pretty much everyone seems to be gloating on Facebook about how much time off work they are having at the moment. I had far too much to do with the Kidd blood group system for my liking today, to say nothing of weak D and partial D.
I came home to find Darcie WaaWaa TM in residence. She’d come up for a sleepover. We played cars and Lego castles and on seeing me brush my teeth she brushed hers too. We also found something she liked to eat – watermelon. It was a shame she fell asleep in a bowl of the stuff but there it is.
In the past on New Year’s Eve we used to go en masse to Jose and Maria, but since COVID that’s rather lapsed. Instead we’ve taken to having Zoom meet-ups on New Year’s Eve. I shall be tuning in to one in an hour or so…
And so, time to look back maybe?
It’s not been a bad old year really, has it? I had my sixtieth birthday; I am officially old. I took some of my pension and halved my working hours. And now being semi-retired, work is seriously getting in my way.
Being off work half the time has given me a lot of time to do stuff. I’ve been taking the dogs up to Kings Wood several times a week. I’ve got the garden far tidier than it has ever been (admittedly being winter it is a bit of a mess right now). The pond’s pressure filter and bog filter have got the pond clearer than it has ever been, and I’ve built a bigger bog filter and a smaller second pond too.
I’ve hosted two geocaching meet-ups.
We’ve taken to having monthly games nights on the Infinity Table. I quite like those.
We’ve had two holidays – a very good (if rather wet) week in Cambridge, and a very good (if full-on) expedition round Uzbekistan.
I’ve had COVID for the third time, and I’ve had my nose surgically re-bored for the fourth time; this time involving having had a hole drilled through my skull.
We had the roof done.
So, looking forward, what’s on the itinerary for this year? Certainly in the first instance getting the electrical issue sorted must take priority.
The front windows are being replaced in a couple of weeks’ time.
Dog Club will hopefully continue… even though all I actually do is unlock the gate and admin the Facebook group, I’m definitely seen as joint leader. I don’t mind – it is something I can do, and (so far) there’s a lot less squabbling that many other voluntary positions I’ve held have held.
I’m down to continue to be a Munzee Clan Leader – a simple enough task. 
I’m hosting a geocaching Community Celebration Event in a month or so – an afternoon of board games in the scout hut.
I’ve plans to replace all of my geocaches in Kings Wood with new ones.
We’re off to the New Forest in the early summer.
I want to get the back garden back under control and do something with the front garden.
And apparently aliens are really going to show up
Roll on 2025…

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