
30 December 2024 (Tuesday) - Keep Smiling...

I didn’t sleep much last night. When I wasn’t listening to snoring I was worrying about having the house re-wired.
I phoned them back and waited. I eventually got through to Gillilan who said that that I was covered for home emergency but was utterly disinterested in doing anything, and suggested I might phone someone else and suggested I might look on my policy to guess who that might be. She didn’t actually say “F… off you fat bald b…” but she might as well have done so just so I was in no doubt.
We went out to calm my nerves. First of all to Wye for geocachical reasons. If you log a find on a geocache in the last week of the year you get a souvenir. We got a souvenir.
From there we went up to Kings Wood where “er indoors TM discovered something of archeological note. Just off of a path where I walk the dogs about three times every week is a raised circular area joining on to a raised area leading up to a hillock. I wonder what that was all about?  
We came home, and once the dogs had been bathed I tried phoning the insurance people again. I got through to a Sheryl who was obviously working from a script and flatly refused to deviate from it. She gave me the number I should have called yesterday and repeatedly insisted that I phoned that number. She eventually conceded that there were several numbers on their website but felt that I should have known which one was the right one and which one was the wrong one.
So on her instruction I phoned the actual home cover people and spoke to Yvette who was very helpful. After a bit of to-ing and fro-ing she agreed to send someone out and gave me the reference number I needed. She told me the electrician would come out and either fix it all or come up with a report that we needed to give to the insurer.
I spent the afternoon gripped by panic waiting for the chap to arrive.
He turned up at half past five. I told him all that the previous chap had said. He had a look and didn’t find fault with anything that the previous bloke felt was oh-so-terrible. After a bit of messing about he announced that there was a broken wire somewhere in the kitchen area and that could be fixed by running a cable up from the good cable up to the back bedroom and under the floor there to come back down again. It would take a load of farting around and upheaval, but supposedly relatively straightforward.
And the fusebox needs replacing. But to be honest I’ve known that for some time.
He said he’d send a report in to the insurance people, and left his card with us.
That’s all a lot better than the chap had claimed yesterday.
“er indoors TM boiled up pizza for tea which we scoffed whilst watching the first Christmas episode of “Lego Masters: Australia”. It’s a really good show which I watched with a sense of relief that I could watch telly.
Meanwhile on the Folkestone residents Facebook group it would seem that someone has found a key in Radnor Park … someone else hasn’t followed the instructions.

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