
22 December 2024 (Sunday) - Still Feeling Tired

“er indoors TM went up to the attic room with littlun last night and Morgan and Treacle went with her. Bailey figured out there was more space with me, and so spent the night on my bed.
We both slept well.
I got up and raced Bailey round the garden harvesting all the dog turds I could find before she could eat them. When she was small she used to eat the other dogs’ turds, and periodically she still does; the foul creature. I made toast and had a little look on-line and found something on Amazon which might help. Once it arrives, all three dogs will get a Peking Duck llavoured chew every day and this has vitamins and minerals and pro-biotics which is good for them, and will also make their poop taste bitter so that Bailey won’t eat it. In theory.
We’ll give it a go.
Facebook was dull this morning – the highlight was it suggesting I might like to join a group about Panasonic bread-making machines (!) and an invite to a jazz concert in Hugh Wycombe (!)
Then all the dogs came down and filled the garden with dung again.
Littlun got up and grizzled for absolutely no reason whatsoever for half an hour, then we popped over to the Eureka park for a little geo-meet. It was a tad cold, but a dozen of us met up and chatted for half an hour or so.
We came home and whilst littlun wreaked havoc I argued with the bank. Having cancelled my subscription to, the cheeky people have taken over twenty quid. The bank said that the department that deals with that sort of thing is closed at the weekend, but the nice lady took all the details and said she’d phone me back tomorrow. Or that’s what I thought she said. What with all the noise that littlun was making I could hardly hear a thing, and the nice lady at the bank’s spoken English was so poor I couldn’t understand most of what she was saying anyway.
Perhaps she will phone me back tomorrow? Here’s hoping.
The plan was that we would all take littlun home, but “Daddies’ Little Angel TM phoned with plans to go shopping. I left them to it and stayed home with the dogs. I had a minor tidy-up as best I could and put some washing on whilst the Alexa played frankly dreadful dirges which it felt was “Christmas music”.
“er indoors TM returned. As she boiled up dinner I cracked open a box of sweeties and watched telly. “Downton Abbey”, then the Bullseye”  Christmas special. It was always a favourite proramme forty years ago mainly because of how dreadful it was, and tonight’s special was so bad it was brilliant.
And then the final of this year’s series of “Lego Masters: Australia” as we scoffed dinner.
Bearing in mind I’ve done pretty much nothing today, I’m feeling exhausted. I’m blaming Friday’s night shift followed by an intense session of granddaughter. I’m going to work tomorrow for a rest.

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