
21 December 2024 (Saturday) - Rather Tired

The night shift was one of the better ones really.... when compared to the sort of night shifts we have these days. Back in the day I used to take in a portable DVD player and we had a room in the hospital accommodation where we would go sleep. On an average night shift I would watch six episodes of "Star Trek", and it was unusual to get called out of bed more than twice. These days we are rather busier and with a constant workflow. I probably had blood samples from fifty patients overnight.
I was pleased to see the early shift arrive.
Ideally I wouldn't have done a Friday night, but such is life. With time pushing I went straight from work to Dog Club; it seemed daft to drive past the paddock we use, go home and immediately turn round and drive two  miles back again. When I left Maidstone this morning it had been hossing down, but the rain had slackened off to drizzle when I got to Repton.
I opened up the field, hung up poo bag and money pot, and dogs (and people) soon arrived. As did “er indoors TM and our three dogs. And our little house guest - Darcie WaaWaa TM. Littlun was made up with all the dogs. As was I to be honest.  So many dogs had their nice Christmas coats on, and in minutes were all covered in mud. As was I.
After Dog Club “er indoors TM took Darcie WaaWaa TM home with her via Asda to pick up shopping. I took the dogs home for a warming shower. We’d all got rather cold and wet and muddy. As I drove home I listened to Steve on the radio and stopped off to send in a message – my answer to the Mystery Year competition. The year in which the Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy was first broadcast and the country’s first nudie beach was opened. I remember both. I was there in 1978 when it was declared that you could walk round in the nip on Fairlight beach. It wasn’t the most accessible of places; it was a pig to get to. But me and my mates went there many times in the desperate hope of seeing a nudie lady without any clothes on. All we ever saw was fat old men in the altogether.
With dogs washed and shopping brought home we put the kettle on, and it wasn’t long before “My Boy TM and ”Auntie Chel TM arrived. Yesterday before I'd left for work we had the family bingo and I won the hamper. This morning the hamper was delivered. Loads of sweeties and biccies.
“er indoors TM and littlun went off to visit great grandparents. I decided that it was too late to go to bed, so I settled in front of the telly with the dogs and woke four hours later with neckache. And panic. I hadn’t opened today’s window of my Advent Calendar. Normally the voices in my head have all day to think about what we get each day. Today was something of a rush job.
“er indoors TM and littlun returned and we had a rather hectic evening chucking toy cars about whilst shouting “Watch Outand watching Sunny Bunnies” and singing songs.
I’m worn out with it all.
And today was the solstice. I left work this morning before sunrise, and I woke up mid-afternoon after sunset. From here on in the days get longer…

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