
9 May 2024 (Thursday) - Dog Sick, New Planter

As I scoffed toast and peered in to Facebook I read a post about the OU family. Some advertising gimmick from the Open University. Family? Seriously? I made a few good friends at the time I studied with them (1989 – 1995) but apart from some newsletter once a year I don’t hear anything from the OU any more. Much as I enjoyed my time with them, if I had my time again I wouldn’t do OU. It wasn’t cheap then, and it is prohibitively expensive now.
I saw I had seven messages. Yesterday I sent out fifty messages to people about Saturday’s upcoming monthly geo-meet. Seven people replied…
I took the dogs for a fairly early walk. As we drove the minister for education was on the radio co-incidentally talking about how expensive degrees are these days, and was singing the praises of degree apprenticeships. I can’t help but think that this is the way forward. When I was a lad at the Hastings Academy for Budding Geniuses, the school made no secret that the whole point of the school was to prepare you for university. Going to university was an end in itself. But back then the government gave you a grant. Now you get a loan, and run up debts. Far better to study while you work and get paid for it too. Why do people do these obscure degrees just to run up bills?
We got to the woods and had a good walk. As we walked we saw an animal running through the undergrowth… grey in colour and about the height of my coffee table. Too small for a deer, too large for a squirrel. I wonder what it was?
With walk walked we came home for a cuppa. I saw that Giana would like to be my friend on Facebook. If nothing else he (!) is quite open and says he has “created a whatsapp group for prostitution services”.
Community Standards, eh?
Leaving the dogs under the eagle eye of “er indoors TM I went down to Folkestone for dinner with “Daddy’s Little Angel TM” and “Darcie Waa Waa TM. Littlun likes Subway, so we went there. My Dad used to like Subway. I had the steak and cheese chipotle with all the extras that “Daddy’s Little Angel TM” recommended. Very nice. Sadly Subway’s desserts leave a lot to be desired so we went for McFlurries.
I came home, half built my new planter and got another coat of paint onto it, mowed the lawn, then finished building the planter. With it in place, it certainly looks better when you open the back door than the old spare bags of chippings did. It was a shame that the ground outside the back door isn’t level, but I got the spirit level out and wedging some off-cuts underneath soon sorted the problem.
“er indoors TM boiled up dinner which we scoffed whilst watching more “Race Across the World”. As we watched so Treacle was sick. Too many biscuits. Bailey had honked whilst I was out earlier. Too much poo-eating.
All we need is for Morgan to blow and we will have had a clean sweep.


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