
10 May 2024 (Friday) - Perry Wood, Watercress

“er indoors TM got up and took Bailey for a tiddle. Bailey is too small to get off the bed herself. Treacle then whinged and cried pathetically because her mummy had gone downstairs.
I gave up trying to sleep and came down too. After a scrape I made toast and had my obligatory root round the internet. It was much the same as ever. People on the Facebook “Auf Wiedersehen Pet” Facebook page were getting nasty with each other about pubs that didn’t take cash, atheist websites were making personal attacks on Donald Trump…
But on the plus side the nice people at Untappd had sent me a voucher for free beer. If I paid the postage (a fiver) they would send me ten beers. I thought that was a result until I read the small print. Having had the freebie I would then be expected to pay thirty-three quid a month for more beer. Seriously? Back in the day, maybe. But these days I’ve still got bottles of beer left over from last Christmas.
I took the dogs out… we got to the road to Kings Wood to find it completely closed up. This wasn’t entirely unexpected and I had a Plan B in mind. Perry Wood.
It wasn’t the best Plan B I’ve ever had.
It took fifty minutes to find the car park to the place. And once there… The woods aren’t huge. About the size of the woods at Orlestone, but with the car park in the middle and four roads coming in to it. In Kings Wood there’s aren’t any main roads so the dogs can run freely. Not quite so free today. But we had a little walk. I found a geocache… and didn’t find another.
We didn’t have quite so much trouble finding our way home. Once home I sorted a cuppa each, then I went shopping. To Tesco. I needed some odds and sods. And some new pants. New pants are a worry. I tend to get new pants which are either really uncomfortable, or really good, and I never remember where either came from. In the week I’d ordered some from Matalan. If you want pants that just roll up underneath your trousers I can’t recommend them highly enough. Sadly I don’t, and they are going in the bin. Let’s see what Tesco’s ones are like. I also got more watercress for the pond.
I got out of the shop without wringing anyone’s neck which took some serious self-control. The place was heaving but not one person in fifty was looking where they were going.
I came home; we had pastries and coffee for lunch, then I floated the pond planters I’d bought last week, and chucked watercress in them. Give it a few days and it will start sprouting (I hope). I painted one of the planters (that I forgot to sand down before painting for the first time), and then stopped. My knee was a tad painful.
My knee is silly. I can walk for miles with no problems. But by the time I’ve got up and knelt down a few times it knacks. So not wanting to aggravate it too much I slobbed about until dinner time.
“er indoors TM boiled up a rather good bit of dinner which we scoffed watching moreRace Across the World”. Had I been a contestant in the season we are watching, I would have won. Because it is a race, and not a sight-seeing tour.

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