11 February 2024 (Sunday) - Early Shift

If I wasn't listening to snoring last night I was listening to the rain hammering on the window. Part of me was glad we'd had the roof done recently; part of me was wondering if we'd had the roof done properly.
I gave up trying to sleep, made some toast and watched an episode of "Peep Show" before peering into the Internet. On-line was rather quiet, as you might expect it to be at six o'clock on a Sunday morning. Mind you as I set off to find my car I saw that there were lights on in not-so-nice-next-door. She keeps odd hours; the upstairs lights are on when I come home from work in the evening, and there's lights on very early in the mornings. Mind you I'm up to see those lights, so who am I to be judging?
I went on a little Munzee mission round town capping POIs. I've now pretty much done all I need for this month's Munzee Clan War. Some people in the team like to spread the requirements out over the month. Others (like me) prefer to crack on and get it done.
And with it done I set off to work up a very quiet motorway. As I drove the pundits on the radio didn't have very much to say for themselves. The King has made an announcement thanking everyone for all the kind wishes concerning his cancer diagnosis. That was good of him; I somehow couldn't imagine the late Queen doing that.
And in the aftermath of the attack on a woman and two children in Clapham earlier in the week, security camera footage followed the attacker to the Thames where it is now thought he drowned. Since then two bodies have been found in the Thames; neither of which were his. This rather begs the question "who were they then?", doesn't it? No one seemed particularly interested in finding out.
But it is amazing how many people just drop dead unnoticed. Many years ago when I was a lad there was an old woman who went missing near Rye. In the search for her the nearby rivers got netted and the bodies of two dead men were pulled out. No one ever seemed to bother about those two either. Funnily enough that part didn't appear on screen when her who played Hyacinth Bucket starred in a dramatisation of the affair.
My mother in law used to run a doss house in Hastings. London councils would pay tramps to relocate to the seaside; these people in their fifties and sixties would just turn up with all their worldly good in a carrier bag. Every so often one just wouldn't be there at breakfast time. No one knew where they went.
Many years ago there was the lower half of a human leg found on Dover beach. No one ever claimed it or found from where the thing had come.
I got to work and had a rather busy day. In between doing that which I couldn't avoid I peered out of the window at a day which was alternating between bright spells and blustery downpours. Having effectively been held hostage by the weather yesterday I could have done something today... most likely gone out during a bright spell and got soaked by a blustery downpour.
Mind you I found a couple of minutes to watch a pigeon having a wash in a puddle on the flat roof outside the blood bank window. That place isn't so much a flat roof as a bird bath, and can be quite entertaining.
I came home, and harvested some dog dung before “er indoors TM and the dogs came home. As I had a cuppa so my phone beeped, An email. My attempt to create an Earthcache has hit another snag. The idea of a geocache is that I give the masses a geology lesson. Having had a total thumbs-down on river erosion in Buxford meadow I’ve been looking at relatively nearby church. The paths to that church are one sort of limestone, and the war memorial over the road is another. But it isn’t enough to say “have a look at the two rocks and tell me how they differ”; I’ve got to pick out specific features… Ho hum… I shall persevere for now and make the observation that only ninety-eight of these things have passed the geo-feds in the UK in the last five years.
“er indoors TM boiled up a rather good bit of dinner which we scoffed whilst watching the semi-final ofJunior Bake Offwhich I watched with a faint feeling of I could do thatalthough I know I never will all the time I can buy cake in Sainsburys.

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