19 January 2024 (Friday) - Some Rants, Some New Friends

Apart from being rudely awoken by a cold wet nose being shoved up my bum in the small hours I slept well. There was a minor dilemma when I found we'd run out of jam and honey, so I made do with marmalade on toast as I watched an episode of "Peep Show", then I had a little look at the Internet.
This morning there was a squabble kicking off on one of the Doctor Who related Facebook pages I follow. Some chap in Portsmouth was giving away a load of Doctor Who VHS tapes to anyone who would come and collect them. People were competing to ask how far this chap was willing to travel to deliver these tapes for free, and some were getting quite nasty with him. They really didn't like being told that the tapes were being offered for free and it was unreasonable to expect him to drive a round trip of over a hundred miles to do a favour to someone he'd never previously met.
I set off to work. As I drove home yesterday the pundits on the radio said that yesterday was the last cold morning of the wintery spell and that things would be warming up today.
They lied.
It didn't take *that* long to scrape all the ice from the car's windows.
I drove to the petrol station at Ashford's Sainsburys. Despite the car's thermometer telling me it was minus four degrees, some idiot was standing at the petrol pump in Bermuda shorts and a rather flimsy jacket. There was a minor issue when I came to pay. I'd bought myself a sandwich and a bag of crisps. In the past the battleaxe on the till has expected me to scan all my shopping myself. This morning she scanned it... or tried to. She pointed the bar-code scanner in the general direction of the shopping, and waved it round and round to try to get the stuff to scan. It was painfully apparent that she was *not* going to actually touch what I was trying to buy.
I would complain, but it was actually rather amusing to watch. I suppose if you were in a rush it might be a nuisance; there's no denying that quite a queue built up whilst she farted about.
My piss boiled as I listened to the radio as drove up the motorway.  The Israeli leader Benjamin Netanyahu has given America's President Biden (and the rest of the world) two fingers as he publicly rejected everyone's telling him to stop killing the innocent.
And OFSTED's chief inspector announced that school teachers have been forced to lock themselves in their classrooms due to "safety concerns", while other teachers have been stopped by children for stepping into 'no-go' areas in schools.
The problem in both cases is the same. We have a world ostensibly run by pussies.
In the first instance everyone should cut off all foreign aid to Israel and let them try to pay for their own wars.
In the second instance kids should be told who is in charge in the schools; by force if necessary. Seriously. If any kid tries to order a teacher about they should be thrashed in front of the rest of the school in order to discourage the impressionable. I can remember the Packington brothers getting slippered when I was at Red Lake Primary School. I was terrified; little girls watching were crying... We all knuckled down and behaved ourselves after that.
A bit old fashioned? When the bleeding heart looney lefty human rights brigade kick off, they can get knotted (sorry – not sorry!). They've had their chance and demonstrably their silly ideas didn't work. I can remember one such advocate of the bleeding heart looney lefty human rights brigade who was a leader when I was in the Boys Brigade forty-something years ago. The kids used to get away with murder and laugh in his face when he tried to reason with them. The leaders who took no crap achieved far more with the kids as the kids respected them.
I took a deep breath and drove on to work. As I drove into the car park my phone beeped. Some young lady with a frankly gargantuan chest wanted to be my friend on Facebook. She was dressed as a nurse, but I suspect that was a ruse. Proper nurses don't come in "wipe-clean" costumes.
I had a second dubious friend request at lunch time. I think this one was female as well (it is difficult to be sure). This one was also wearing a "wipe-clean" costume but was already in the bath. Was that good or bad? Mind you she looks more cross-eyed than my smallest dog and her left hand doesn’t look right. I’m not entirely sure she isn’t AI-generated.
I have to wonder what these people hope to achieve by sending me friend requests. They had stopped on the run-up to Christmas but seem to be picking up again.
With work worked I came home. In daylight, which was something of a result. “er indoors TM boiled up some fish and chips which we scoffed whilst watching the last episodes of “The Reluctant Landlord”. That was a rather good show… we’ve got to find something else to watch whilst scoffing our dinner now.
Bearing in mind that if I was to press the “play” button on the Sky-Q box now, the stuff we’ve got recorded would probably play for weeks (if not months), finding something shouldn’t be an issue.

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