
3 February 2023 (Friday) - Rostered Day Off

As I peered into Facebook this morning I saw I had yet another friend request from another rather dubious young lady. I’ve now created an album on Facebook into which I am going to put pictures of these people, and a description of their antics. I won’t put up any links they send me. One thing I have established is that it is quite acceptable for them to advertise their filth, but my posting their link when flagging it to the Facebook Feds contravenes Facebook’s so-called “community standards”.
I walked the dogs round the block, then settled in front of the telly and watched “Star Trek: Discovery”. As we watched so there was a knock at the door. The bits for my CPAP machine had arrived. But they had taken longer to arrive from Canterbury than Lego had taken to get from Chicago earlier in the week.
With the puppies settled I took Treacle to the vet for her annual check-up and vaccinations. She wasn’t at all keen on it.
The vet took an age going at her chest with his stethoscope, and eventually concluded that he wasn’t sure that she didn’t have a chest murmur, but said it was nothing to worry about. He also said she needs proper teeth brushing and should see the nutritionist for “weight control dog food”, but other than that she was in good shape for a dog of her age.
I dropped Treacle back at home then drove down to Folkestone where I spent five minutes Munzing. What with today being the start of the Clan War I really wanted to get a Qrate. I got two. And then I supervised “Darcie Waa Waa TM whilst “Daddy’s Little Angel TM” had a driving lesson. Mind you when I say “supervised” I really mean “got slept on”. She was asleep the entire time.
There was talk of McDonalds after “Stormageddon – Bringer of Destruction TM got home from school, but I gave that a miss, headed home, collected the pups and took them up to Kings Wood where we walked our usual circuit. We had a good walk; Bailey disappeared at one point, but I gave three quick blasts on the whistle and she came running.
There was an odd incident just after the half-way point. Morgan started barking; there was a chap and his dog about fifty yards behind us. With a long straight path we would have seen them coming from quite a way away. They weren’t walking very fast, and there were no other footpaths from which they might have appeared. So how did they creep up on us so fast? After a couple of minutes I turned round expecting to see them about to overtake us, and they weren’t there any more. There were no footpaths off of the track we were on. Had they decided to stomp through the woods we would have heard them. Where had they gone?
What was that all about? Had we seen a pair of ghosts?
Equally odd was something we saw when we were just about three-quarters of the way round. About half a mile from the two car parks was a rather large pile of rubbish which had been fly-tipped. Bearing in mind the vehicular access to the place is only open to those with keys, someone had presumably carried all the rubbish about a mile into the wood.
Why would anyone do that ?
We came home and settled in front of the telly. With the puppies somewhat subdued I took a photo to send to the nice lady from whom we got them. I send her little “pupdates” from time to time. As the dogs settled and snored I made myself comfortable watching drivel on UK Gold… “er indoors TM woke us up when she came home.
She then boiled up a rather good bit of dinner which we scoffed whilst watching more “Junior Bake Off”; a good show, but (just occasionally) you can see it gets a little too much for the contestants. They are only little kids…
Today was a day off – I’m worn out.

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