
2 February 2023 (Thursday) - A Friend Request

Treacle was again brought to bed last night under strict supervision and again I wasn’t woken ridiculously early. I was eventually woken about six o’clock by an odd sound which was either Treacle growling or “er indoors TM snoring. I poked both to be sure and went back to sleep.
I had my usual mooch round the Internet as I scoffed toast, and was rather surprised to see a woman with whom I used to work had announced on Facebook that she was retiring. She claimed to be retiring after thirty-one years of work having started at age eighteen. Leaving aside the fact that I always suspected she was the same age as me (if not older!), how can anyone in an NHS job afford to retire aged less than fifty? Presumably she made sound investments over the years? Something I might have done?
I had two friend requests on Facebook this morning. Both from young ladies, but one had substantially more clothes on that the other. The clothed one made me wonder why she was sending a friend request. Two of the people on her friends list had one mutual friend with me; someone with whom I used to work twelve years ago; a rather tenuous connection? The more “natural” one (pictured above; claiming to be called “Joe”) should have known better.
I took the dogs round the block for a quick walk. We didn’t go far. In a few months we’ll be going back to Orlestone before the late shifts, but right now the place is just a swamp.
As we walked I continued something I started yesterday. Every time we cross the road Treacle knows to sit before we step off the kerb. I had hoped the puppies would have started to copy her, but they hadn’t, so yesterday I was making them sit before we crossed any road. There is still a long way to go, but Morgan is beginning to get the hang of it.
With walk walked we came home and did “sit” to have our leads taken off, then I set the washing machine going as I watched more “Star Trek: Discovery”, then wrote up a little CPD.
With the dogs settled I set off on a little mission before work. The parcel that I collected from the post office's collection depot yesterday contained the latest bits I need for my Lego pirate ship project, but I also needed some black yard/thread/string stuff for the rigging over the sails. I knew of a haberdashery shop in Willesborough (just up the road from where the snake shop used to be), so I went there only to find it had closed down years ago. Ho hum...
As I was in the area I went to the Willesborough co-op. Am I being over-sensitive in thinking that when serving a customer (i.e. taking my money) the old bat behind the till shouldn't carry on squawking at her cronies as though I wasn't there? Needless to say I won't be going back there in a hurry.
I drove round to Hobbycraft hoping they might have some black yard/thread/string stuff. The first assistant I asked wasn't already squawking with cronies, but she was equally disinterested. She told me they might have some up the back of the shop, and (rather rudely) carried on with what she was doing.
With time running out I went up toward the back of the shop and found another assistant who was incredibly helpful. After ten minutes we got some stuff that should do the trick.
And then I headed off to Pembury singing along to "Ivor Biggun". Even though it wasn't quite mid-day, as is so often the way on a late shift, the best bit of the day was done by mid day.
All the rest of today was rather dull…

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