
9 January 2023 (Monday) - On The Telly

I had another of "those" nights, waking feeling full of energy and raring to go only to find it was only ten to two. And then dozed for fifteen minutes at a time for the rest of the night. This happens so often when I have an alarm set.
I eventually gave up trying to sleep and took the puppies into the garden where they had a great time playing silly beggars (a game they seem to enjoy). Had something had been through the garden in the night -  a fox? a hedgehog? They were certainly sniffing like things possessed. Mind you I can't see any holes in any fence where something might get in or out of the garden.
Once they'd stopped messing about I dumped them on a snoring “er indoors TM, and leaving Treacle snarling at everyone and everything (she's not a "morning dog") I made toast and had a look at Netflix. Wanting something  to watch in the mornings I had a look-see at what was available. Frankly, not much. I can't deny that there are hundreds of shows on Netflix, but when you take out all the police and crime shows  there's not much left. What is it with crime and police shows? Every one of them features some policeman or detective with a quirky difference - their quirky difference being that they are exactly the same as every other policeman or detective.
Don’t the tV companies know anything else? Take for example the TV show "Lucifer" about the Devil himself... who becomes a policeman.
Of the few non-police/crime drama on Netflix. most of them were foreign imports with subtitles.
I eventually found one or two things that might keep me occupied and added them to my “To Watch” list, then got dressed and set off to work.
I was so  pleased to see the motorway was open this morning; the stupidity that is "Operation Brock" has stopped. The motorway is now a motorway again, and no longer a rather narrow dual carriageway.
As I drove the pundits on the radio were talking about Richard Branson's Virgin company launching the first satellites from the UK. They are going up on a jumbo jet and the rocket stage will go from the plane.
There was also still more talk about that idiot Prince Harry who is quite possibly realising the true price of his media deals.
Pausing only briefly for Munzical purposes (two qrewzees – go me!) I was soon at work for the early shift. Whilst the bosses weren’t looking (well, they were!) I phoned British Gas to set up a direct debit for the gas and leccie at Dad’s house. I eventually got it all done, but I formed the distinct impression that during the phone call, both of us in the call felt we were dealing with a half-wit. The British Gas woman clearly sets up direct debits all the time and thought I was asking some daft questions. I thought it odd that I could chose how much I might pay each month, and thought it very odd that they didn’t have a suggested amount (i.e. an average figure of how much it costs each month).
As I worked, several times I found myself singing along to today’s earworm: “My Uncle Stan” by Ivor Biggun.
An early start made for an early finish, and even earlier getting home as the motorway was actually a motorway again.
I got the dogs onto their leads and we walked round the local roads Qrewzing (it’s a Munzee thing). I got three hundred points – result!.
“er indoors TM boiled up pizza then went off bowling. I sat on the sofa with the dogs and watched a film I’d chosen this morning. The verbals about “The War Below” said “Based on a true story, the film is about a group of British miners recruited during World War I to tunnel underneath no man's land and set bombs below the German front at the Battle of Messines”. Sounds good, doesn’t it?
Sadly the film was rather tedious…
Let’s hope the rest of the stuff I’ve added to the list is better.

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