8 April 2016 (Friday) - Underriver... And The Mud.

The plan was to have an early night last night. I was just about to go to bed shortly after 10pm when chaos erupted. "Daddies Little Angel TM" arrived not only with "Stormageddon - Bringer of Destruction TM" but also with Brian and Rachel in tow. Things could have been messier; but it was good to see everyone.
Mind you I slept well after that. So did "Furry Face TM" who spent the entire night on the sofa.

I got up and had a spot of brekkie. As I scoffed I had a look-see on-line. Apparently there was a geo-meet last night in Folkestone. No one told me. It's amazing what you miss when you aren't paying attention. I wish someone (anyone) had mentioned it.
I also had an email from LinkedIn. In an attempt to widen my professional circles they asked if I know Mike, Richard or Vicki? One of them is a Capacity Analyst (what's that ?), one takes photographs for corporate I.D. badges (don't machines at the train station do that?) and one is a dinner lady. Mind you it did suggest I cyber-befriend Steve from the astro club. I might just do that. Then he could recommend me for my skills in things about which (with no disrespect to Steve) he has no experience whatsoever. Just like all my other contacts on LinkedIn have done.
I'm glad I don't pay anything for this LinkedIn thing. I'd be asking for my money back.

"Furry Face TM" got rather excited as I popped his lead on. We drove up to Underriver where we met Gordon and Aleta. Just as we were solving a puzzle in a churchyard someone came up to us. It was the chap who'd set the geocaches we were off to find. He felt he should be sure that we were aware just how muddy it was going to be. We exchanged pleasentries and thought how nice he'd been... fifteen minutes later we found he wasn't just being polite. There was some *serious* mud. Fudge was almmost swimming in it.
But the mud was only for the first mile or so; it soon abated. We had a really good walk in some rather beautiful scenery. I took a few photos as we walked.
I can thoroughly recommend the geo-stroll around Underhill (near Sevenoaks). We did pick up one or two extra geo-targets on our walk, but seventeen geocaches in an hour and a half over three miles made for a rather good way to spend the morning.

We said our goodbyes and came home. I treated myself to KFC and scoffed it whilst watching a documentary about girl recruits in the Army. It was quite good.
I then spent a little while fiddling about with the astro club's accounts. I shall be handing over the club's accounts to the new treasurer at the end of the month; it would be as well to have them in order.
And with only twelve quid for which I couldn't account I then looked at a potential geo-mission for nxt week. If any of my loyal readers would like to mess about in a river next week drop me a line.

"er indoors TM" came home with fish and chips, and with that scoffed I examined my dog's willie... I'm no expert but it doesn't look quite right...

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