8 May 2015 (Friday) - Appledore

I had a vague idea to stay up to watch the election results as they came in last night. But only a vague idea. I had a simular idea at the last General Election; at the time I was in a caravan in Weymouth.
But realistically with no news likely to be forthcoming until the small hours I decided to go to kip and turn on the telly if and when I went for a tiddle in the middle of the night. That tiddle happened shortly after 2am when only thirteen results had been declared. I was glad I'd not stayed up, and went back to bed where I had a rather restless night. I had a very odd dream in which following a rather messy car accident my dog (in "Doctor Who" style) regenerated into a black horse. Going through my daily round with a large horse in tow proved somewhat problematical, and it was with something of a sense of releif that I woke tangled in the air-hose of my CPAP machine.

I got up and had a look at tthe telly. Locally the election result had been announced. At Parliamentary level (as expected) the Conservative candidate had got more votes than all the other candidates combined.
And the electorate made the wrong decision at local level too.
The pundits were still offering sage wisdom about what the national position might be. Until all the results were in, so-called "sage wisdom" was little more than hot air and so I put on some light entertainment. "Secret Diary of a Call Girl" is usually witty and amusing, and unlike political commentary it usually involves Billie Piper running round in saucy undercrackers. This episode didn't disappoint.

After a little while I got the lead onto my dog and we set off for a walk. There is a small geo-series in Appledore I fancied visiting today, and earlier in the week I posted on the local geo-forum asking if anyone fancied coming for a stroll. A dozen of us met up and we had a little wander. The series I had in mind was only an hour's walk over a mile or so. It was really good to be walking with friends, and for the first time on one of these walks "Furry Face TM" didn't run off.
Mind you he did get absolutely smothered in fox poo.

After an hour our short walk was done. Sadly some of our number had to set off home at this point; those of us with time on our hands relocated to Appledore Village Hall. It was only a short drive, but my dog did stink. We had a swift lunch and cuppa, and then set off round the Appledore Amble geo-series. I'd done the secret geo-thing on most of this series before, but I wasn't going to turn down a decent walk through beautiful scenery with some rather good company.
And half way round I had the chance to "encourage" "Furry Face TM" to take a dip in the canal. That shifted a large amount of the fox poo.

Amazingly the rain didn't start until literally thirty seconds before we got back to the car park. We said our goodbyes, and we came home for bath time. Despite having had a dip in the canal, my dog certainly got a good scrubbing.
I took a few photos whilst we were out; I uploaded them then turned on the telly.

My prediction that I made yesterday was wrong; we have a Conservative government. One with a majority in the House of Commons... but for all that have we *really* got a majority government? Look deeper into the results.
It's odd that the Tories have more seats in the House of Commons than all the other parties combined when they only got (just over) a third of the total votes cast.
Simularly the Scottish Nationalist have (about) a tenth of the seats in the House of Commons having secured (just under) a twentieth of the votes cast, and UKIP only got one seat despite having twelve per cent of the electorate behind them.
Meanwhile the Green Party got (just over) six times more votes than the Democratic Unionist Party but have only one seat compared to their eight.

Mind you I'm still sulking....

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