I didn't really sleep at
all well last night; I was up at 5.30am, and soon after I was
watching the pilot
episode of "Dominion"
- an odd show in which God seems to have gone walkabout and the
Angels blame humanity and have declared war on them (us). It
shows promise; I shall give it a couple more episodes and see how it
Once it was over I
quickly checked my emails. And my piss boiled. I had an email to give
me the thumbs down on an Earthcache I'd been working on. An
Earthcache is basically a geology lesson; last week I spent quite a
bit of time working on such a project based on Singleton Lake. This
morning I got a comprehensive list of the failings of my clearly
pathetic efforts.
I'm slightly (very)
pissed off about this matter; I had emailed the Earthcache reviewer
with various questions and suggestions about this idea a little while
ago. At the time he couldn't be bothered to make the effort to reply
to me. He just sent back a hyperlink to the very guidelines I was
asking questions about.
It's particularly galling
that he's been rather scathing about what I've suggested, but the
same critisisms he's made could be levelled at several other
Earthcaches he's published across the south. Bearing in mind that
there's only been three of these Earthcaches been created in the
county over the last year you'd think they'd be a tad more
encouraging, wouldn't you?
The chap who's been so
scathing had the temerity to end his email "When you
re-submit your EarthCache..."
Having clearly failed in
my efforts I'm now wondering whether to just quietly delete the
thing, or whether to tell the person who did the reviewing to stick
my efforts up his arse. Sideways.
Off to work on what
turned out to be the first day of winter. In my world I know that
winter has arrived when I have to scrape the ice off the my car's
windscreen. It may well have iced up earlier in the year, but if it
had, it would have melted before I saw it. Today was the first time I
had to scrape.
As I drove I listened to
the radio. As I drove past the petrol station with amazingly cheap
petrol the pundits on that radio were telling about the impending
financial crisis in Russia. It would seem that falling petrol
prices combined with various financial sanctions imposed by the
Western governments have pretty much done for the Russian economy.
Those who worry about such things are very worried about the
impending collapse of the rouble and serious knock-on effects on the
rest of the world. Which seemed odd to me as it was these same people
who imposed these various financial sanctions in the first place.
I queued in the traffic
in Wincheap for ages this morning; despite being up so early I
watched quite a bit of telly before work which put me behind. If
nothing else it has reminded me of the merit of leaving for work
promptly when on core shifts.
Once at work I did my bit
until lunch time when I blew my sax. My rendition of "Summertime"
is getting there; it's just a shame it is so cold when I play it.
Mind you I've heard that one of my nephews wants to take up the sax
too. Good lad(!)
Being Tuesday the clans
gathered. Insults were bandied, complete ignorance on the Great Grape
Ape and the favoured method of locometion imployed by the Hair Bear
Bunch was exhibited. Oh - and we watched another episode of "The
Flash" (zoom zoom).
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