29 March 2011 (Tuesday) - Subconjunctival haemorrhage

Can I start off today by correcting an error on my part. On Sunday I mentioned that “Daddies Little Angel TMcaught twenty fish. She actually caught twenty-one. I’m told that my mentioning the twenty-first fish is important.

My Boy had his outpatient's appointment at the hospital today. We've finally been told the extent of the damage to his foot - four broken bones, two of which have now pretty much healed up. He's happy about that. And whilst he was originally rather miffed that he had to miss a holiday in Spain with his mates at the coastal resort of “Ells Bells”, he's now happy that he'd not missed anything on that holiday. Having decided to go off season when it's cheap, the lads have found out that they have all gone whilst everything and everywhere is closed. Ells Bells is shut. The lads hired a car and drove to the Costa Packet to find that shut too.

After his his outpatient's appointment he needed a lift home from the hospital, so on the way home we stopped off for McDinner. They now do a caramel McMilkshake which was very nice. Whilst scoffing he commented on my eye being rather bloodshot. It had felt a tad sore that morning, and it was getting worse. Having dropped him off I phoned my useless doctor who flatly refused to give me an appointment, so I went up to A&E (which is one of the perks of working in a hospital). I was seen by the triage nurse who took my blood pressure (134/88 - not bad) and she arranged for me to see the doctor right away, I have a subconjunctival haemorrhage, which is posh for a bloodshot eye. The nice doctor in A&E said it will (hopefully) get better in a few days, and in the meantime I've some antibiotic cream for it.

As the day and evening wore on, so my eye has become progressively more painful. We’ll see what it’s like in the morning….

1 comment:

  1. That is the second subconjunctival thingy I have heard of in a couple of days.
    My friend Fred in Folkestone has just been to the hospital with one too.
    Maybe there is a bug going around.
    I hope you feel better soon as it does look very sore.
